Tag Archive for starting a business

Jackie Fast: ‘I can say that I didn’t love being in The Apprentice house’

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Welcome to the second series of Small Business Snippets, the podcast from SmallBusiness.co.uk.
Anna Jordan talks to Jackie Fast, an entrepreneur, author, speaker and candidate on The Apprentice in 2018. We discuss building a business from home and how to get started with sponsorship.
Have a listen to it in the media player below.
You can also catch our episodes with investor and former Dragon, Piers Linney; supermodel turned entrepreneur, Caprice; and investment fund manager, Nicola Horlick.

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We’ve got podcast episodes from the first series looking at:

How one business owner’s mental breakdown caused her to see trolls from her past
How one entrepreneur hired a videographer to track their every move and build their business brand
How funding a business led one entrepreneur to stress-related alopecia
One entrepreneur’s first professional public speaking engagement
Adapting to UK life and learning English before starting a business
Securing seed funding
Finding the perfect head of customer care
Reaching a £1 million annual rate of return
Boosting client numbers from 30 to 850
Starting a brand new business from scratch

To find out more about Small Business Snippets, you can download the trailer.
If you want to listen to the podcast elsewhere, it’s available on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud and Spotify.


The essential guide to starting a business in Oxford

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Oxford is becoming an increasingly desirable location for starting a business.
It’s within easy reach of other business hubs like London and Bristol, has a rich history coupled with grand architecture and is a real treat for literature fans.
Before we talk to the local small business owners, let’s look over some of the city’s key characteristics.
ONS mid-2018 population estimates had the population of Oxford at 687,500. Said population is ageing, with the number of people aged 85+ expected to increase as much as 63pc by 2032, according to the Oxfordshire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. However, planned housing growth is expected to create a significant increase in the working age and younger populations. What’s more, the university means there’s a high rate of people aged 20-24 living in Oxford city.
Crime rate
The crime rate in Oxford is about the same as it is in similar areas. In the year ending December 2018, it was 105.22 per 1,000 population – around the same level as Northampton (105.79) and Reading (102.71).
As you might imagine, bike theft is more common than in other UK cities. Thames Valley Police says that 1,816 bikes were stolen last year. That’s around five