Tag Archive for Seoul

Zija International To Hold Grand Opening Event In Korea

Following a successful pre-launch period in South Korea, Zija International will hold an official grand opening event later this month in Seoul.
The company will highlight the launch of new products, provide training from keynote speakers and local leaders, and recognize its Distributors who are already succeeding at building their business in Korea.
Speakers at the grand opening to include Zija International’s Founder, Ken Brailsford, President and CEO, Rodney Larsen, Vice President of New Market Development, Cathy Yeates, Vice President of Research and Development, Dr. Joshua Plant, Regional Director of Southeast Asia and Korea, Bryant Eggett, and key field leaders including David Moses, Joel McNinch, Takashi Ichikawa, and Thomas Waggoner.
DATE: March 28, 2015
TIME: 14:00 p.m. – 18:00 p.m. (Korea Time)
LOCATION: COEX Auditorium (3fl.) (COEX, World Trade Center Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-731, Korea)