Tag Archive for Sebastian Fernandez

Top Leader Sebastian Fernandez from Spain Joins Impact Global

Sebastian Fernandez is a dynamic force with over 9 years of expertise in the thriving world of network marketing.
With a proven track record as a high-performance team trainer, Sebastian has positively impacted the lives of over 20,000 individuals within his vibrant community.
In a pivotal moment this July, Sebastian received a call that would change the trajectory of his career. Learning about the incredible growth and impactful social projects of Impact Global, Sebastian wasted no time in scheduling a call with the visionary founder, Jed Buenaluz.
After thorough analysis, extensive discussions, and a game-changing decision, Sebastian, alongside industry powerhouse Paola, opted to channel their leadership experience into Impact Global. Remarkably, he achieved the coveted 3-star emerald rank in just 4 weeks, which is equivalent to $200,000  USD in sales. leading teams spanning across 4 countries.
Redis Farka CEO Impact Global said:

“Sebastián is a leader of great experience and today we welcome him to this vision to create an unprecedented success story.”

Sebastian’s decision to align with Impact was driven by 5 compelling reasons:

Social Impact DNA: In an era where giving back is paramount, Impact Global stands out for its unwavering commitment to social causes.
Impact growth, Education today has become one of the most influential


ByDzyne’s Sebastian Fernandez from Colombia Achieves 1-Star President

South America continues to be the epicenter of ByDzyne’s rising stars, and this month the company is unveiling Sebastian Fernandez, its latest 1-Star President from Colombia.  
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Sebastian, a 29-year-old Latin American leader with almost a decade of multi-level marketing experience, went from student to networker in a flash in the early 2010s because he saw the opportunity to inspire and positively impact the lives of thousands.
It’s also the primary reason his eyes lit up when he was introduced to ByDzyne; the prospect for success just seemed limitless. 
“It was all about the ‘Power of Choice.’ For the past few years, I’ve been in a wellness company that limited my business options, including the expansion of my team.
ByDzyne broke those limits. And on top of that, ByDzyne has gifted my team and me the opportunity to travel with the amazing BD Dream Vacations, the most elite travel experiences on any budget; you simply subscribe and redeem the stars you need to travel.
For those reasons, I am very grateful to the Executive team for giving me a home to deposit my leadership, and finally, a place where after many years


El colombiano Sebastián Fernández de ByDzyne alcanza la categoría de Presidente 1-Estrella

Sudamérica sigue siendo el epicentro de las estrellas emergentes de ByDzyne, y este mes la empresa presenta a Sebastián Fernández, su último Presidente 1-Estrella de Colombia.  
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Sebastián, un líder latinoamericano de 29 años con casi una década de experiencia en marketing multinivel, pasó de estudiante a networker en un abrir y cerrar de ojos a principios de 2010 porque vio la oportunidad de inspirar e impactar positivamente en la vida de miles de personas.
También es la razón principal por la que sus ojos se iluminaron cuando le presentaron ByDzyne; las perspectivas de éxito parecían ilimitadas. 
“Todo giraba en torno al ‘poder de elección’. Durante los últimos años, he estado en una empresa de bienestar que limitaba mis opciones de negocio, incluida la expansión de mi equipo.
ByDzyne rompió esos límites. Y además de eso, ByDzyne nos ha dado a mi equipo y a mí la oportunidad de viajar con las increíbles BD Dream Vacations, las experiencias de viaje más elitistas con cualquier presupuesto; simplemente te suscribes y canjeas las estrellas que necesitas para viajar.
Por esas razones, estoy muy agradecido al equipo ejecutivo por darme un