Tag Archive for Retail

Gerald Ratner: ‘I don’t think it’s right that there’s such a stigma attached to failure. It’s a British disease’

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
Welcome to Small Business Snippets, the podcast from SmallBusiness.co.uk. Today’s guest is Gerald Ratner, author, motivational speaker and businessman.
We discuss the decline of the high street and how Gerald reinvented himself after one of the biggest setbacks of his career.
Listen to it in the media player below.

You can also catch our episodes with:

Entrepreneur and TV presenter, Trinny Woodall
Pub owner and bartender on Channel 4’s First Dates, Merlin Griffiths
Founder and chairman of Pimlico (formerly Pimlico Plumbers), Charlie Mullins
Retail expert and former Dragon, Theo Paphitis
Author and boardroom expert, John Tusa
Digital guru and investor, Sherry Coutu
Entrepreneur and former Dragon, Rachel Elnaugh
Businesswoman and Dragon, Deborah Meaden
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2005 candidate, Tim Campbell
Gousto CEO, Timo Boldt
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2018 candidate, Jackie Fast
Investor and former Dragon, Piers Linney
Investment fund manager, Nicola Horlick
Supermodel turned entrepreneur, Caprice

We’ve got podcast episodes from the first series looking at:

How one business owner’s mental breakdown caused her to see trolls from her past
How one entrepreneur hired a videographer to track their every move and build their business brand
How funding a business led one entrepreneur to stress-related alopecia
One entrepreneur’s first professional public speaking engagement
Adapting to UK life and learning English before starting a business


Gerald Ratner: ‘I don’t think it’s right that there’s such a stigma attached to failure. It’s a British disease’

Originally written by Timothy Adler on Small Business
Welcome to Small Business Snippets, the podcast from SmallBusiness.co.uk. Today’s guest is Gerald Ratner, author, motivational speaker and businessman.
We discuss the decline of the high street and how Gerald reinvented himself after one of the biggest setbacks of his career.
Listen to it in the media player below.

You can also catch our episodes with:

Entrepreneur and TV presenter, Trinny Woodall
Pub owner and bartender on Channel 4’s First Dates, Merlin Griffiths
Founder and chairman of Pimlico (formerly Pimlico Plumbers), Charlie Mullins
Retail expert and former Dragon, Theo Paphitis
Author and boardroom expert, John Tusa
Digital guru and investor, Sherry Coutu
Entrepreneur and former Dragon, Rachel Elnaugh
Businesswoman and Dragon, Deborah Meaden
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2005 candidate, Tim Campbell
Gousto CEO, Timo Boldt
Entrepreneur and The Apprentice 2018 candidate, Jackie Fast
Investor and former Dragon, Piers Linney
Investment fund manager, Nicola Horlick
Supermodel turned entrepreneur, Caprice

We’ve got podcast episodes from the first series looking at:

How one business owner’s mental breakdown caused her to see trolls from her past
How one entrepreneur hired a videographer to track their every move and build their business brand
How funding a business led one entrepreneur to stress-related alopecia
One entrepreneur’s first professional public speaking engagement
Adapting to UK life and learning English before starting a business


How to cope with the slow return to trade post-lockdown

Originally written by Stuart Crook on Small Business
July 4 marked the most recent phase of coronavirus restrictions easing in the UK, which allowed for pubs, restaurants, and private events to return to trade post-lockdown. Engineering, construction, and non-essential retail had already re-opened, however many are discovering that it isn’t simply a case of “business as usual”.
The Government has offered many different forms of financial aid during the pandemic to help businesses weather the economic freeze, including the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) and Bounce Back Loans (BBL), which have all been greatly received. However, even with businesses opening their doors to the public again, there are new rules and restrictions in place which must be followed which will impact on the bottom line of businesses and squeeze margins.
So, the challenge now isn’t so much restarting operations, but finding a way to do so profitably.
>See also: A quarter of entrepreneurs don’t use social media for their small business
Demand for sales
The Government was praised for its £330bn war chest at the beginning of lockdown to help businesses survive and protect the nation from mass unemployment. The idea was that it would protect the economy and ensure