Tag Archive for Rank Advancements

Herson La Riva, de ByDzyne, hace historia convirtiéndose en el Corona más joven de la empresa

Durante un periodo sin precedentes de dos semanas de producción de volumen y facturación, Herson La Riva, una estrella emergente de 23 años, ha batido los récords de la empresa y ha logrado su objetivo personal de convertirse en el Corona más joven de ByDzyne. 
* Un Crown genera entre 1 y 2 millones de dólares en facturación durante un periodo de 15 días.  
Aunque el prometedor líder, que reside en Florida, Estados Unidos, pero es originario de la ciudad nororiental de Maracaibo, Venezuela, tiene menos de cinco años en el mercadeo multinivel, se está convirtiendo en una fuerza absoluta a tener en cuenta.
De ser un novato en la industria en 2019 a convertirse en un líder prominente con equipo de más de 1.000 miembros en varios países, Herson se ha convertido en un ejemplo de que con la actitud y la dedicación adecuadas, todo es posible.
El floridano añadiría que encontrar la empresa adecuada, como él ha hecho, también marca un mundo de diferencia. 
“Me encanta todo lo relacionado con ByDzyne. Me encantan las oportunidades ilimitadas que ofrece esta empresa y cómo se adapta en tiempo real a las tendencias actuales.
Lo que hace diferente a esta empresa es el liderazgo que


Industry Top-Earner Demond Coleman Joins MyDailyChoice

Demond Coleman has 15 years of experience in the network marketing industry and has been a long-time top earner at every company where he has been involved.
Demond was seeking the next big company in our industry to call home, and he has planted his flag with MyDailyChoice.
Demond chose MDC because of four things: the house of brands, compensation plan, cutting edge technology, and strong infrastructure.
Says Demond,
“I love the fact that Josh and Jenna have developed a house of brands so we wouldn’t be known just for one particular product offering. We are a hybrid of physical and digital products with one of the hottest systems I’ve ever seen. This is the future of network marketing.”
Demond launched Project 100K where he plans to put 100,000 people into MyDailyChoice within the next 12 months. Demond has already earned a 50K rank up, one 25K, three 10Ks, one 5K, and 26 1Ks during his first month in business.

About MyDailyChoice
Josh and Jenna Zwagil are passionate about providing a true “home” for their affiliates and have created MyDailyChoice. The powerful and rewarding House of Brands delivers the best products and services in health and wellness, performance, weight management, beauty and cosmetics, travel, financial education,


Kim Chansol Becomes Kyäni’s Most Recent Purple Diamond

When Kim Chansol first heard about Kyäni during a visit to Sydney, Australia, he knew he was looking at something special.
So, for the past two years, he’s worked diligently to share Kyäni’s innovative wellness and nutrition products—as well as the business opportunity—with as many people as possible.
As a result, he is now celebrated as one of Kyäni’s top business partners in Korea!
At only 28, becoming a Purple Diamond is no small feat. But Kim is motivated to do the hard work required as he stays committed to his“why,” —  which is to make a difference by developing a network marketing team that can benefit everyone, no matter the size of their goals. 
“Out of all the network marketing companies I’ve learned about, Kyäni has a unique culture of pure goodwill,”
Kim says.
“I love that Kyäni has excellent products and a reasonable compensation plan. I chose Kyani because it is a network marketing company without limitations.
This company has all the market power and global business opportunities that can provide limitless growth over time.”
But Kim has already experienced that the kind of growth possible at Kyäni doesn’t come easily.
“I started a network marketing business when I was 24


Velovita Welcomes Newest Million-Dollar Club Member

Gregory Williams couldn’t have said it better;
“On the other side of a storm is the strength that comes from having navigated through it. Raise your sail and begin.”
Randi Schmitt has navigated the ups and downs of this unrelenting industry and came out triumphant as Velovita’s newest million-dollar club member.
Randi dreamt of joining a company that could help her provide for her family and allow her to do what she loves most – help her team win big alongside her. 
“Velovita checked all those boxes for me! A simple and unique product line that creates curiosity, flawless operations & amazing compensation plan – all these things were so important to me when deciding where I was going to plant my flag.”
says Schmitt. 
When asked what it felt like to hit this milestone so early in her career, Randi shared,
“hitting this milestone so early on into my journey with Velovita feels surreal, I’m overwhelmed with joy and blessed beyond words!
This is just confirmation that I made the right decision making Velovita my home 20 months ago.”
Though she’s struggled financially for years, it’s not the rank or the money that keeps her going; it’s the freedom, her family, and her incredible


The Best of BE: A Recap Of The BE Dream Vacation Retreat In Tulum 2022

According to a BE Press release:
BE, the world’s premier company, gathered in beautiful Tulum, Mexico, on July 22-24, 2022, and the opening weekend was more exciting than ever.
Over 400 people worldwide made their way to this paradise on Earth for three days of fun in the sun and dancing under the stars at one of the best beach clubs in Tulum, Rosa Negra.
Stay at the newest 5-star all-inclusive resort.
Only the best for BE distributors! Over 400 attendees were welcomed at one of the newest and most luxurious hotels in Tulum. For three days, distributors enjoyed the high-end amenities and flowing food and drinks overlooking the Mexican Caribbean.
Welcome Party on Friday
On the first day of the BE Dream Vacation Retreat, BE distributors were welcomed with an all-white party at the luxurious Rosa Negra.
This highly rated spot is one of the best beach clubs in Tulum and provides the perfect setting for our guests to mingle and get to know each other.
The party was a huge success and set the tone for an amazing weekend. It was the best opening in BE history. The next day, BE distributors were ready for some exploration—out in the lush forests of Tulum, Mexico.

Jungle Trip on


ByDzyne’s Kobpol Kerdpum and Nicha Panichwatanyu from Thailand Achieve 1-Star President Ranking

ByDzyne continues to unravel some of the world’s most prominent networkers and this month get to showcase Kobpol Kerdpum and Nicha Panichwatanyu, the company’s newest 1-Star Presidents from Thailand. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Kopbol and Nicha, a couple that interestingly has extensive experience as a former guitarist and singer respectively, also hold nearly two decades of combined experience in the industry.
While they have had varying degrees of success in previous companies, to them, nothing comes close to the backbone and outlook present at ByDzyne. 
“We joined ByDzyne because the company’s product is the ultimate weapon, which helps us beat every competitor on the market! Our team is made up of over 90% of people who use and maintain this product.
And finally, and most importantly to us, some of the owners of this company are Thai! That’s our pride. So, to them and the rest of the executive team, thank you for having the best vision and having the support for our work.
You are the best executive team out there because you truly understand distributors and teamwork in every aspect. We believe that is what has made every Brand Ambassador succeed very quickly,”


Julieta Rodríguez, Empresaria Exitosa Logra Ser Diamante En ZETA

Julieta Rodríguez, exitosa empresaria, deportista, amante de la moda y profesional en diseño de espacios, se convierte en DIAMANTE en el pre lanzamiento de ZETA Group, con una facturación de $40,000. Gracias a su motivación y persistencia logra ser una de las mujeres más destacadas de la industria.
“Estoy comprometida a crecer profesionalmente y construir un equipo de más de 2.000 personas y que cada una de ellas cumpla sus sueños”
indica Julieta Rodríguez
Julieta, es una mujer inspiradora, creadora de  Elixir Molecular Cocktails, una marca con un concepto innovador donde la coctelería tradicional se transforma para vivir toda una experiencia, adicional, cuenta con un restaurante de comida asiática llamado Sushi Box.
Su perseverancia y dedicación, le permitieron establecer nuevas metas y encontrar una oportunidad en los mercados digitales, a raíz de la pandemia comienza una nueva etapa siendo partícipe de la industria del network marketing. En compañía de su pareja, aliado y mentor Miguel Posada, han generado un equipo de grandes resultados, transformando la vida de miles de personas.
“Julieta, tiene un gran carisma, es apasionada, persistente, una mujer que motiva con su ejemplo a las personas que la rodean”
afirma Miguel Posada. Top líder internacional ZETA Group.
Es una mujer visionaría con el


Rockstars Achieve Career High At Velovita

True community requires commitment and openness. It is a willingness to extend yourself to encounter and know others. Tracy Laughard, Bri Skvarce, and Kena Smith were not acquainted before starting their Velovita ventures.
Yet, each of these three influential women shared the same vision and are now on a similar path: to help team members build and succeed.
As a result of relentless hard work and unyielding dedication, each of them has achieved their highest levels of success in their careers to date at Velovita; most Members on their respective and separate teams, highest monthly team sales totals, the highest number of customers, and career highs in income.
That’s not all; they are all now included in a prestigious and exclusive group of global top leaders – Rock Star Elite!
Kena Smith shared,
“This rank wasn’t necessarily something I set my sights out for when first joining Velovita. However, it’s a direct reflection of how many lives I’ve had a small part in touching and how many leaders I’ve been able to empower to do the same.”
When asked why Velovita was the key to her success, Tracy Laughard shared,
“So many things! Having a unique product that is simple and that people love is a huge


Georgie Alvarez & Yonfer Rojas Achieve Royal Diamond Rank At BE

Some would say Georgie Alvarez and Yonfer Rojas were an unlikely pair. Others would say they’re the perfect team-up of opposites. These two opposites are an inspiring example of how people from different backgrounds can work together to achieve success.
Georgie Alvarez began his career in the network marketing industry at a very young age, showing a lot of talent and even more promise.
By the time he was 20 years old, he was already earning $8,000 a month, selling weight loss products, and managing a team. By 2010, he was already able to fly 87 members of his team to Dubai for the very first time.
Yonfer Rojas’s life was the complete opposite. He decided early on as a child that he would become a doctor. As he was studying medicine, he discovered the field of network marketing. Just like Georgie, Yonfer took to it naturally, immediately reaping results.
He did that for 2 years, then decided to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor, so he redirected his focus back to medicine for the next four years. After earning the title of M.D. in 2017, Yonfer immediately went back to network marketing.
Once again, he found success, but he felt it was lacking.


Georgie Alvarez y Yonfer Rojas Logran Diamantes Reales Con BE

Algunos dirían que Georgie Alvarez y Yonfer Rojas eran una pareja poco probable. Otros dirían que son el equipo perfecto de opuestos. Estos dos opuestos son un ejemplo inspirador de cómo las personas de diferentes orígenes pueden trabajar juntos para lograr el éxito.
Georgie Alvarez comenzó su carrera en la industria del mercadeo en red a una edad muy temprana, mostrando mucho talento y aún más promesa.
Cuando tenía 20 años, ya ganaba $8,000 al mes, vendía productos para bajar de peso y administraba un equipo. Para 2010, ya podía llevar 87 miembros de su equipo a Dubái por primera vez.
La vida de Yonfer Rojas fue todo lo contrario. Desde niño decidió que se convertiría en médico. Mientras estudiaba medicina, descubrió el campo del mercadeo en red. Al igual que Georgie, Yonfer lo tomó de forma natural, cosechando resultados de inmediato.
Hizo eso durante 2 años, luego decidió perseguir su sueño de convertirse en médico, por lo que redirigió su enfoque nuevamente a la medicina durante los siguientes cuatro años. Después de obtener el título de M.D. en 2017, Yonfer volvió inmediatamente al mercadeo en red.
Una vez más, encontró el éxito, pero sintió que le faltaba. La empresa en la que estaba se