Tag Archive for Rank Advancements

Herson Andrés La Riva, de ByDzyne, logra ser presidente 2-Estrellas

En ByDzyne ha surgido otro relato impactante de un empresario con una experiencia mínima en el sector que ha alcanzado cotas asombrosas, ya que Herson Andrés La Riva, de Venezuela, se ha convertido en el nuevo presidente 2-Estrellas de la empresa.  
*Un presidente 2-estrellas genera más de 400.000 dólares de facturación en dos semanas o menos.
Herson, un embajador de marca de 21 años con un potencial aparentemente ilimitado, lleva menos de cinco años en el sector, pero ya se está convirtiendo en una fuerza a tener en cuenta.
El líder venezolano, que actualmente reside en Miami (Florida), siempre ha tenido como objetivo construir una riqueza generacional para él y su familia, al tiempo que consigue influir en miles de personas de todo el mundo.
Cuando hace dos años surgió la lucrativa oportunidad de ByDzyne, supo que había encontrado el vehículo adecuado para invertir en ese objetivo.
“ByDzyne es la respuesta a todos los vendedores en red. Es una empresa hecha por las redes para los vendedores en red. Es el único lugar para cubrir todos los grupos demográficos y lograr el crecimiento y el éxito a largo plazo.
Y al maravilloso equipo ejecutivo, nunca he tenido el placer de trabajar en una


Iván Martínez Y Juan Fernando Franco Alcanzan La Categoría Royal Ambassadors En BE

Iván Martínez y Juan Fernando Monono Franco obtuvieron el codiciado título de Royal Ambassadors de BE y fueron los primeros en conseguirlo. Es un momento histórico para la empresa. Los dos líderes siempre han sido una fuente de inspiración para muchos, y este logro es una validación de su duro trabajo y compromiso con BE.
Monono dijo:
“Es algo con lo que siempre he soñado, pero que nunca pensé que podría conseguir.
Estoy muy contento de haber podido hacer esto junto a mi mejor amigo, Iván Martínez”.
Los dos han trabajado juntos con empeño desde el primer día para alcanzar este objetivo y, sin duda, son merecedores de este premio. Nunca se conforman con menos de lo mejor, y siempre se esfuerzan por superarse.
En las calles de Bogotá jugaba Iván, un niño que no pensaba más que en los juegos, el fútbol y sus grandes sueños. Aquel niño se convirtió con el tiempo en un joven cuya vida se centró en el rap, tras ser expulsado de tres universidades. Parecía que esa sería la vida de Iván Martínez para siempre.

A pesar de sus circunstancias, siguió soñando en grande, sueños que no podía confiar a muchos porque la gente le llamaría loco. Sin embargo, esas


Bryan Robert Achieves Crown Ambassador Rank At iX Global

iX Global is pleased to announce that Bryan Robert has achieved the Crown Ambassador rank, elevating him to top ten status within the company.
Bryan Robert has been a professional in the direct selling industry for thirty years, having first achieved success as a teenager in the early 1990’s. At that time Bryan helped twenty five of his friends under the age of twenty five earn a six figure income or more, and they were known throughout the direct selling world as the Bayou Boys.
Now thirty years later Bryan is one of the most well known and respected veterans of the space, and has leveraged his talents and experience to become a top earner with iX Global. To commemorate this achievement, Bryan sat down with the iX team and shared some thoughts and wisdom regarding the direct selling industry and how others can achieve success in today’s modern marketplace.
When asked how the direct selling industry has changed since he began thirty years ago, Bryan had this to say,
“I would say the biggest change that I’ve seen is that the business has become more global; when I started it was very local and you worked mostly with your friends and family and


Rain International Names Nina Salkic Rain Maker Of The Year

Rain International names Nina Salkic as the recipient of the 2022 Rain Maker Of the Year award.
Salkic resides in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She was recognized during Rain’s annual World Seed Summit held in Las Vegas in September.Rain currently does business in 45 Countries and has thousands of independent distributors worldwide, with thousands more joining monthly.
Rain CEO, Byron Belka, presented the prestigious award virtually to Salkic in front of the live international audience in Vegas and worldwide via live video broadcast.
“Nina has overcome what many would consider insurmountable odds, to build a thriving business that is having an extraordinary positive impact in her community and to women around the world,“
Belka said.
“She personifies everything that we stand for as a company, as it pertains to work ethic, integrity and a commitment to bless the lives of others with our products and our opportunity. We are very proud to name Nina Salkic our 2022 Rain Maker Of The Year!”
Salkic has been a Rain Partner since 2016, and in the past six years, has grown from a modest, one-person business to now being one of the largest organizations in Rain International. Nina is also consistently one of the top Rain income earners worldwide


Darrin Gibson Achieves Presidential Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

Darrin “The Diamond Breaker” Gibson has a history of rapid success with ibüümerang: he became a Diamond Ambassador two weeks after joining ibüümerang in 2021. He achieved Blue Diamond a year later in April of 2022.
Darrin Gibson surpassed Black Diamond to become one of the first two Presidential Diamonds in ibüümerang’s history in September 2022.
Darrin was joined on stage by many of the new Diamonds he helped to achieve this rank, during the Las Vegas Vision event recognition in October 2022. ibüümerang CEO and Founder, Mr. Holton Buggs commemorated his amazing success with a luxurious Presidential Rolex watch.
For a glimpse into Mr. Gibson’s background and the journey to his current success, check out the video below.

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the BüüM Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet.
For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team, visit the company website at www.ibuumerang.com.
The post Darrin Gibson Achieves Presidential Diamond Rank At ibüümerang appeared first on Direct Selling Facts, Figures and News.


Ivan Martinez And Juan Fernando Franco Achieve Royal Ambassadors Rank at BE

According to a BE press release:
Ivan Martinez and Juan Fernando Monono Franco bag the elusive BE Royal Ambassador title as the first to ever do so. It is a historic moment for the company. The two leaders have always been a source of inspiration to many, and this achievement is a validation of their hard work and commitment to BE.
Monono said,
“it is something I have always dreamed of but never thought I could achieve. I am so glad I was able to do this alongside my best friend, Ivan Martinez.”
The two of them have been zealously pursuing their goals together since Day 1 to reach this milestone, and they are undoubtedly worthy of this award They never settle for anything less than their best, and they always push themselves to be better.
 On the streets of Bogota played Ivan, a boy who thought of nothing but games, soccer, and his big dreams. That boy eventually became a young man whose life became about rapping, having been kicked out of three universities. It seemed like that would be Ivan Martinez’s life forever.

Despite his circumstances, he kept dreaming big dreams—dreams he could not confide in many because people would call him crazy. However,


ByDzyne’s Matt Garzón from Ecuador Achieves 1-Star President

Wielding its dynamic muscle in the Latin American region yet again, ByDzyne continues to produce some of the industry’s most promising stars and this week is illuminating new 1-Star President Matt Garzón from Ecuador. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Matt, a former vehicle auctioneer with now almost five years of experience in network marketing, has intrinsically been motivated from an early age to not only transcend his life and be able to live it to the fullest potential but also carry a ravenous desire to see others around him succeed.
That hunger has led him to ByDzyne and hoping to capitalize on its abundance of opportunity, the Ecuadorian is confident that ByDzyne promises the most favorable outcome. 
“I chose this company because I´d never seen a concept of combining products and services, plus an excellent payment plan. I chose this company because my team and I can build real equity.
And I want to thank ByDzyne´s executive team, without a doubt. Their focus on people’s well-being, hard work, and excellence make ByDzyne a real home for anyone who wants to win big,”
expressed a grateful Matt. 
Chad and Nattida Chong, ByDzyne’s cofounders and members of that executive


Matt Garzón de ByDzyne, de Ecuador, logra ser presidente 1-Estrella

Ejerciendo su fuerza dinámica en la región de América Latina una vez más, ByDzyne continúa produciendo algunas de las estrellas más prometedoras de la industria y esta semana está iluminando al nuevo presidente 1-Estrella Matt Garzón de Ecuador. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Matt, un antiguo subastador de vehículos con ahora casi cinco años de experiencia en redes de mercadeo, ha estado intrínsecamente motivado desde una temprana edad no sólo para trascender en su vida y ser capaz de vivirla al máximo potencial, sino que también lleva un deseo voraz de ver a otros a su alrededor tener éxito.
Ese hambre lo ha llevado a ByDzyne y, con la esperanza de aprovechar su abundancia de oportunidades, el ecuatoriano confía en que ByDzyne promete el resultado más favorable. 
“Elegí esta empresa porque nunca había visto un concepto de combinación de productos y servicios, además de un excelente plan de pagos. Elegí esta empresa porque mi equipo y yo podemos crear un patrimonio real.
Y quiero agradecer al equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne, sin duda. Su enfoque en el bienestar de las personas, el trabajo duro y la excelencia hacen de ByDzyne un verdadero hogar


Ashley Fryman Achieves Diamond Rank At Arieyl

According to a Arieyl press release:
Ashley Fryman didn’t join the network marketing industry for the reasons most people do.
Ashley joined network marketing because, as she confessed,
“I’d lost myself along the journey of being a wife and mom and was desperate to have something of my own again.”
Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, Ashley worked as a manager for a high-end retail store. But with the cost of day care, she and her husband Tyler decided it would be best for her to leave her job to raise their babies.
“Financially we could make it work, but it was hard to go from two full time incomes to one. I felt like his money was his money, and I couldn’t spend anything because it wasn’t mine. I eventually started to lose who I was outside of mom and wife and felt like I needed to do something for me again”,
she added.
Having quickly found success, with less than a year in the industry, Ashley began a battle that would ultimately change her life, struggling against bouts of sheer terror that were taking an extreme toll on her body.
“The second I tried Arieyl’s CBD oil, with the added CBG, I could FEEL how different


Cesar Muñoz Achieves Presidential Diamond Rank At ibüümerang

At the Vision event in September of 2019, the official launch of ibüümerang in Las Vegas, Cesar Muñoz was recognized as a founding member and Blue Diamond.
Three years later, he once again walked the Vision stage in Las Vegas, making company history by becoming ibüümerang’s first Presidential Diamond Ambassador.
Cesar Muñoz has been a longstanding pillar of leadership at ibüümerang. To commemorate this momentous occasion, ibüümerang CEO and Founder Mr. Holton Buggs awarded Mr. Muñoz a luxurious Presidential Rolex watch during his event recognition in Las Vegas on October 8, 2022.
For a deeper look into Cesar’s incredible success story, and the people that supported him along the way, watch the video below.

About ibüümerang
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the BüüM Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet.
For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team, visit the company website at www.ibuumerang.com.
The post Cesar Muñoz Achieves Presidential Diamond Rank At ibüümerang appeared first on Direct Selling Facts, Figures and News.