El mercado latinoamericano continúa generando algunos de los líderes más prominentes de las redes de mercadeo, y ByDzyne tiene otra superestrella en ascenso con el surgimiento de un nuevo Presidente 2-Estrellas de Colombia, Alexander Ortiz.
*Un Presidente 2-Estrellas genera más de $400,000 USD en facturación en dos semanas o menos.
Cuando aún no ha pasado ni un año desde que alcanzó el rango de Presidente 1-Estrella, Alexander, un ex banquero de 45 años con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector financiero y los negocios tradicionales, trabajó sin esfuerzo para alcanzar este hito.
El líder colombiano atribuye su dedicación, disciplina y compromiso consigo mismo y con cada uno de los miembros de su equipo como la base de todo su éxito reciente, y cree firmemente que este logro también es suyo.
Motivado por impactar sus vidas y haciéndolo dependiendo de sí mismo y de su potencial de liderazgo, Alexander cree que ByDzyne es el vehículo perfecto que le permite demostrarles un presente sostenible y un futuro triunfante.
“Elegí ByDzyne porque la empresa no hace promesas; te muestra el camino para que puedas cumplir las promesas que te haces a ti mismo.
A partir de un modelo de negocio que incluye seis formas
Tag Archive for Rank Advancements
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Jake And Charlie Parton Achieve Blue Diamond Rank At ibüümerang
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
Jake and Charlie Parton achieve Blue Diamond with iconic leadership and coaching.
The power couple joined ibüümerang after only two years in the network marketing industry, immediately knowing that the company’s leadership and environment could provide the time and financial freedom they were looking to emulate.
After closely following the powerful leaders; Mr. Holton Buggs, CEO of ibüümerang, and Darrin Gibson, Presidential Diamond, Jake and Charlie learned how receiving coaching, guidance, and then taking action was the key to getting success for themselves and their team.
“Receiving the coaching and guidance opened up my mind to what it means to be a leader. Now I can lead others to become leaders in their own right.”
New Blue Diamond Jake Parton emphasized,
To learn more about how this growing duo is gaining massive momentum for their team, check out the interview below.
About ibüümerang
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return. ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the Büüm Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet.
For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team, visit the company
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Birgit Kozicke And Christian Ahl Achieve Black Crown Rank At Zinzino
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
Birgit Kozicke and Christian Ahl are former Kyani top leaders, There they had a downline of 420,000 team partners and $780 Million in sales in 22 years according to her Facebook page.
Their enroller Sven Goebel stated on their achievement:
“It is our great pleasure to announce that – just in the middle of the month – Birgit and Chris have already achieved the esteemed rank of Black Crown within the Zinzino network.
This significant milestone, representing over 500.000 euros in (monthly) volume and a seat at the distinguished Leaders Council of the company, reflects their unwavering commitment to excellence, outstanding leadership, and tireless effort.
Birgit and Chris have displayed an exceptional level of dedication and perseverance in their less-than-a-year journey to Black Crown.
Their all-day hustle and record speed are a leading example for professional network marketers within the entire industry.
Their ability to rework and refine their strategies and adapt to the new is a testament to their creativity and adaptability, and so is their ability to lead their teams. On behalf of our entire Zinzino Team, we congratulate the two Champions on this outstanding achievement.”
About Zinzino
Zinzino AB (publ.) is a global Direct Sales company that markets and sells test-based nutrition, skincare and
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Rick Gutman Achieves 50K Affiliate in Record Time!
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
MyDailyChoice is excited to congratulate Rick Gutman on achieving 50K Affiliate in his first four days!
Rick has had a tremendous amount of success in the Network Marketing industry previously earning eight figures as a distributor while achieving the top ranks of multiple companies throughout his career.
“I love building people with financial literacy at the center of their development, but in full transparency, I was getting bored with seeing the struggle for relevance in this industry,”
says Rick.
“The closing of a door rarely feels like destiny—but then I met Josh Zwagil, the owner of MyDailyChoice.”
Rick was won over after seeing the infrastructure in MDC’s approach to competing in E-commerce.
“The online assets each Affiliate has at their disposal are really remarkable,”
he says.
“MyDailyChoice’s House of Brands brings many options of diversity when dealing with the frustrations of product life cycles, plus their tools, capture pages, sales funnels, and their product base of 1,000 SKUs—including digital products—make them extremely unique in this space.”
Rick adds,
“Their understanding of what the industry is asking for has made the business fun for me again, but most of all, it has given my team the systems that support the Network Marketing Professional in a
Hot Business News Today
ByDzyne’s Pablo Navarro from Spain Achieves 1-Star President
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
Young and promising leaders are surfacing from all corners of the globe at ByDzyne, and the momentous company has its latest rising star on hand with the arrival of new 1-Star President Pablo Navarro from Spain.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span.
Pablo, a young entrepreneur from the Catalonia city of Barcelona, Spain, is just 25 years old but already has four invaluable years in the industry and is becoming a multi-level marketing mainstay in Europe.
Intrinsically motivated to help others build a bigger and brighter future for themselves, Pablo has always wanted to find a company that delivered on every front. At ByDzyne, finally, he’s confident he’s found just that.
“When I was first introduced to ByDzyne, I fell in love with the organization because it is a company that has a vision without limits and is one that also adapts to the newest and latest trends, which also means it allows you to build in a place that feels safe.
ByDzyne also is led by an executive team that has leadership, integrity, and experience as distributors. Not only have they lived it, but they passed the test and that is why we say this is
Hot Business News Today
El español Pablo Navarro, de ByDzyne, alcanza la categoría de Presidente 1-Estrella
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
En ByDzyne surgen líderes jóvenes y prometedores de todos los rincones del mundo, y la trascendental empresa cuenta con su última estrella emergente con la llegada del nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella, el español Pablo Navarro.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes.
Pablo, un joven emprendedor de la ciudad catalana de Barcelona, España, sólo tiene 25 años pero ya cuenta con cuatro inestimables años en el sector y se está convirtiendo en un pilar de las redes de mercadeo en Europa.
Intrínsecamente motivado por ayudar a los demás a construirse un futuro mejor y más brillante, Pablo siempre ha querido encontrar una empresa que cumpliera en todos los frentes. En ByDzyne, por fin, está seguro de haberlo encontrado.
“Cuando conocí ByDzyne, me enamoré de la organización porque es una empresa que tiene una visión sin límites y que además se adapta a las últimas tendencias, lo que también significa que te permite construir en un lugar en el que te sientes seguro.
ByDzyne también está dirigida por un equipo ejecutivo que tiene liderazgo, integridad y experiencia como distribuidores. ¡No sólo lo han vivido, sino que han pasado la prueba y por eso decimos que es
Hot Business News Today
El ecuatoriano Jonathan Fuentes de ByDzyne alcanza el puesto de Presidente 1-Estrella
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
América Latina ha seguido afianzándose en 2023 como uno de los centros neurálgicos de las redes de mercadeo, y ByDzyne tiene otro líder más que emerge de la prometedora región con la llegada del nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella Jonathan Fuentes de Ecuador.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes.
Jonathan, un empresario de 29 años de Quito (Ecuador), lleva siete valiosos años en el sector, los dos últimos en ByDzyne.
Sin embargo, se apresura a reconocer que nunca ha habido nada como el tesoro que ha descubierto en su última empresa, y eso le pone la piel de gallina por el potencial que está vivo hoy en día.
“En los muchos años que llevo en este sector, es la primera vez que veo una empresa que aúna todos los conceptos que han formado a miles de emprendedores de éxito en todo el mundo: ¡bienestar, viajes y negocio digital!
Y tenerlo todo en ByDzyne la convierte en un vehículo que amplía las posibilidades de éxito. Además, la empresa tiene un plan de pagos justo que funciona para la gente, recompensando a los Embajadores de Marca por su trabajo realizado.
Por ello, agradezco a nuestro equipo directivo
Hot Business News Today
Daniele And Talitta Camero Achieve Blue Diamond Rank At ibüümerang
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
10 years ago, Daniele & Talitta Camero left traditional service jobs to “find opportunities and live the life of their dreams” as young entrepreneurs.
That life began once this power couple found success with ibüümerang, and they have now officially achieved the coveted rank of Blue Diamond Ambassador.
Now living a lifestyle they never thought possible, under the guidance of ibüümerang CEO Mr. Holton Buggs, the Blue Diamond leaders are determined to fulfill their “why” of helping those around them build their own legacies. In the same month the Cameros became Blue Diamonds, several new Diamonds were also created on their team.
Daniele Camero said:
“The world is changing all around us every day. We adjust, we grow and we want to help others do the same.”
Find out where the Cameros will take their success journey next in their interview below.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/BDGgW24sHnc
About ibüümerang
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded on the vision and mission of giving back to others without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports the Büüm Foundation in providing an abundant life for every child on the planet. For more information on ibüümerang and its top-tier leadership team,
Hot Business News Today
ByDzyne’s Viviana Portillo Castillo from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
A majority of the industry’s rising generational talents continue to erupt out of South America, and ByDzyne has its latest star from the region with the emergence of new 1-Star President Viviana Portillo Castillo from Venezuela.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span.
Viviana, a 31-year-old former lawyer who originally hails from the seaport city of Maracaibo, Venezuela, but now resides in Miami, USA, has only a few years in multi-level marketing under her belt, but is quickly making a name for herself.
Motivated to change the lives of others, especially her parents who she describes as her daily “engine,” Vivian fell in love with the industry and specifically ByDzyne because of the plethora of opportunities it presented to change her whole world and positively influence those around her. She often describes joining the company as the best decision she’s ever made.
“The diversity in the products is something that made me click with the company since it does not limit you to distribute a physical product; there is a tremendous advantage in the digital products and services available because we can reach any part of the world and customers can start enjoying them from the moment of
Hot Business News Today
La venezolana Viviana Portillo Castillo, de ByDzyne, se convierte en Presidente 1-Estrella
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
La mayoría de los talentos generacionales emergentes de la industria siguen surgiendo de Sudamérica, y ByDzyne tiene su última estrella de la región con la aparición de la nueva Presidente 1-Estrella Viviana Portillo Castillo de Venezuela.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante medio mes.
Viviana, una ex abogada de 31 años de edad, originaria de la ciudad portuaria de Maracaibo, Venezuela, pero que ahora reside en Miami, EE.UU, tiene sólo unos años en el marketing multinivel en su haber, pero rápidamente se está haciendo un nombre por sí misma.
Motivada por cambiar la vida de los demás, especialmente la de sus padres, a quienes describe como su “motor” diario, Viviana se enamoró de la industria y, en concreto, de ByDzyne por la abundancia de oportunidades que le ofrecía para cambiar todo su mundo e influir positivamente en quienes la rodeaban.
A menudo describe su incorporación a la empresa como la mejor decisión que ha tomado.
“La diversidad en los productos es algo que me hizo encajar con la empresa ya que no te limita a distribuir un producto físico; hay una ventaja tremenda en los productos y servicios digitales disponibles porque podemos llegar a cualquier parte del mundo