Tag Archive for Rajiv Rai

Rajiv Rai From Nepal Achieves Executive Rank With LEO

Originally from Nepal, and now living in Germany, Rajiv Rai is a truly inspirational young entrepreneur. Joining Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO), a global entrepreneurship training company, in 2015, he has achieved impressive success at a young age with his LEO direct selling business, and has recently reached Executive rank.
Armed with a positive mindset and a passion for his work, he has overcome all obstacles in his way, and now aims to help others in his native land achieve similar success.
The path to success has not always been smooth for this dynamic young direct selling professional from Nepal, who has had to combat deep-rooted mistrust of the industry in his home country. However, his determination to succeed has won through and he is now building an impressive global business.
So, we spoke to Rajiv to learn a little more about this extraordinary entrepreneur.
What led you to join LEO and what do you like most about the company?
I joined LEO because I wanted to be a successful entrepreneur and it was the best decision that I ever made.There are many things that I love about the company. I love the LEARN EARN OWN concept behind LEO, and especially its amazing education products.