Tag Archive for Opportunities

Technology jobs: Employers believe women face uphill struggle

Despite almost half of employers (48 per cent) admitting they find it difficult to recruit for technology roles, there is reluctance to adapt current policies to encourage gender equality, with three quarters (75 per cent) of employers admitting they have no plans to do so, according to Monster.co.uk.
Some 59 per cent of UK employees report there are more men than women in technical and digital jobs within their organisation and just 35 per cent believe men and women are equally represented in these roles.
The research highlights that many still feel the UK is a long way from achieving gender parity in the office, 39 per cent believe women still have to work harder for a promotion or recognition and over two fifths (47 per cent) of females say they have either experienced themselves or witnessed gender inequality in the workplace.
Transparency on equal pay for women
In order to address these inequalities, the top five things UK employees think need to be implemented are transparency on equal pay for women and men (55 per cent), offering paternity and family leave to both men and women (43 per cent), greater flexibility on working hours and working from home (40 per cent), more encouragement


Brexit 2016: The positive view for small companies

The recent historic European Union referendum result has huge implications for the UK’s 4.7 million self-employed workers and they’ll be wondering what it means for them.
The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) believes this new era can and must be taken as an opportunity for the UK.
CEO of the organisation Chris Bryce says that priorities should be new global trading arrangements, cutting burdensome regulation on small and micro-businesses and ensuring that Britain has the most flexible and attractive economy in the world.
‘With these priorities, the UK can be a place where freelancing and contracting can thrive,’ he adds.
‘New circumstances always bring new opportunities for freelancers. We should be optimistic about the future and IPSE will continue to push the importance and value freelancers bring to our economy.’
Katie Shapley, managing director of The Organisers, which provides corporates with personal assistants, says Brexit is ‘wonderful news for the country’.
‘So the pound goes down for a short period; our exports are cheaper, [meaning] more sales,’ she adds.
‘[There will be] less red tape and more power to entrepreneurialism. The future is very bright indeed and we should brace ourselves for the short-term pain and look forward to the long-term gain.’
Stuart Mackintosh, director of


UK would favour summer business shutdown

The study, conducted by ava reveals that many Britons feel that by shutting up shop during traditionally quiet periods, businesses would remain more productive and cost efficient overall.
The 55-64 age demographic is most behind the introduction of annual industrial shutdowns, making up 66 per cent of the ‘yes’ vote.
In the UK, England (59 per cent) is the most in favour of such a move, whereas 68 per cent of Northern Ireland are against a change.
Women more in favour of change
In the battle of the sexes, it appears that women are more likely to support this new productivity method, with 63 per cent backing the system. Men are less inclined to throw their weight behind a proposed change, with 44 per cent voting against.
Lucie Greenwood, sales manager at ava, feels taking the time to delve into how your business performs when trading is slow, you’re more likely to be successful during busy periods.
‘Regardless of a company’s size or profit margins, a decrease in performance and income can be a very stressful time,’ she says.
‘However, it’s these periods in which you have the most time on your hands to take a step back and really look at how you work as a business.