Tag Archive for Opportunities

Self-employed rely on their business, not pensions, to fund retirement

Only one in three (36 per cent) self-employed workers save for retirement through private pensions, according to a survey by Aegon, with the remainder planning to continue to work or rely on the proceeds from the sale of their business to cover their finances in later life. Nearly two thirds think that only half or less
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UK behind in productivity and innovation in the digital economy

The Barclays Digital Development Index benchmarks ten countries around the world on their readiness to compete in the digital economy. The study, which attributes an overarching ‘digital empowerment’ score to each nation, finds that the UK comes in just fourth place behind new and emerging ‘digital tiger’ economies Estonia, South Korea and Sweden. The findings are
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Brits harbour dreams of starting a business

In terms of what sector of business they would go for, people are choosing to follow their hearts and launch bakeries, cafés and craft shops. Some 5 per cent say that they would set up a shop, with ambitions ranging from books and music to mobility scooters and Wiccan products, according to a study by Direct Line for Business. The
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More exporting companies than ever, study shows

The UK Export Finance (UKEF) annual report and accounts show that 77 per cent of the exporters that benefited from finance and insurance from UKEF were small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and an estimated 7,000 companies in exporter supply chains also indirectly benefited. Altogether, UKEF supported more than £800 million in sales overseas through its SME-targeted trade
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Brexit fails to dampen spirits of small businesses

Nine in ten business leaders expect Brexit to prompt a fall in economic growth in the short-term, according to the Business Growth Fund’s Growth Climate Index. However, 74 per cent of the 450 respondents argue that Britain is still a great place to start and grow a business. Furthermore, despite the uncertainty surrounding the EU referendum, just
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Young entrepreneurs value making a difference

Sage’s Walk With Me report examines the key characteristics, attitudes and behaviours of young entrepreneurs around the world. The study shows that these business leaders have diverse traits which align them with five workplace personality types: The principled planners Extremely methodical in their approach to work, they enjoy carefully planning for success. With an ambitious streak,
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Young entrepreneurs value making a difference and employee happiness

Sage’s Walk With Me report examines the key characteristics, attitudes and behaviours of young entrepreneurs around the world. The study shows that these business leaders have diverse traits which align them with five workplace personality types: The principled planners Extremely methodical in their approach to work, they enjoy carefully planning for success. With an ambitious streak,
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Mortgage brokering goes online with new website

Using proprietary technology, online mortgage brokering operator habito analyses every mortgage on the market across 100 lenders in seconds, with the hope to identify the best mortgage for each applicant, based on their individual circumstances, and enabling them to complete their application online, from a phone or tablet, within around 30 minutes. The company is backed
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Businesses turn to ex-hackers to improve cyber security

A fifth (20 per cent) of UK businesses have already invited hackers to assess their cyber security and systems and a further 37 per cent are open to the idea.
The report from Radware finds that three in five respondents experienced a cyber attack in the last 12 months.
Concerns over the growing threat lead four in five respondents to state that security is now a CEO-level concern while 33 per cent state that a change in C-level awareness is critical in order to thwart the latest attacks.
Among the leading concerns for executives is the Internet of Things (IoT), with connected devices identified by 29 per cent as ‘extremely likely’ to be a target for cyber criminals over the next three to five years.
Although businesses understand the threat, many are unsure how or where to direct their resources to defend against it, leading to the consideration of hiring an ex-hacker.
Ransomware is high on the agenda too, with around one in seven respondents experiencing a ransom attack over the last year. In fact, at least three companies said they were under attack at the time of the survey.
Although UK executives express an unwillingness to pay a ransom, with 9 per cent saying they would pay, compared to 23 per cent in the US, seven of


Female workers consider training or retraining

The study of 2,000 adults commissioned by Oxford Open Learning Trust finds that many women are willing to retrain in order to get a foot in the door of a new job.
Almost a quarter of female workers (24 per cent) would consider training or retraining up to a year for their new role, while around one in ten (12 per cent) would train for up to two years for a new career.
Female workers are considering a career change
The results show that moving into a different job role may be on the cards for many women, as more than a quarter of female workers are considering a career change in the next ten years (27 per cent). Around 11 per cent of workers are planning to move within the next year.
Among female workers, most respondents say working hours (57 per cent) followed by location (49 per cent) are important factors when choosing their current job role.
However, when it comes to choosing a new career or job role, two thirds (66 per cent) of female workers choose salary as an important factor, suggesting that monetary incentives are key for choosing a new career.
Top five priorities for female workers in their current job