Some of the industry’s most promising leaders continue to spread like wildfire in Latin America, and ByDzyne has yet another burning ember to showcase from the region, with the arrival of new 2-Star President Micaela Ivanova León Noroña from Ecuador.
*A 2-Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less.
Reaching this pinnacle milestone has firmly reminded Ivanova that life has always been about being an inspiration to others.
The 28-year-old entrepreneur from Quito, Ecuador, unfortunately, lost her mother at the early age of 15 and from that unforgettably dark year, her life purpose has been embedded in bravery, courage, and encouraging others to reach their dreams.
Now eight years in network marketing with her sister, fellow ByDzyne leader Karolina León, that goal hasn’t changed one bit for Ivanova, and today more than ever, she hopes her story inspires the masses.
“Without a doubt, all this effort and work has been under the blessing of God because it was He who put the courage, desire, and right people around me.
I feel my job is to promote, motivate, and inspire the new generation of networkers to see and listen to my story because you never know when your
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La ecuatoriana Micaela Ivanova León Noroña, de ByDzyne, alcanza el Presidente 2-Estrellas
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
Algunos de los líderes más prometedores de la industria siguen extendiéndose como Fuego incontrolable en América Latina, y ByDzyne tiene otra brasa ardiente que mostrar de la región, con la llegada de la nueva Presidenta 2-Estrellas Micaela Ivanova León Noroña de Ecuador.
*Un Presidente 2-Estrellas genera más de 400.000 USD en Facturación en dos semanas o menos.
Alcanzar este hito le ha recordado firmemente a Ivanova que la vida siempre ha consistido en ser una inspiración para los demás.
La empresaria de 28 años de Quito, Ecuador, lamentablemente perdió a su madre a la temprana edad de 15 años y desde ese año inolvidablemente oscuro, el propósito de su vida ha estado incrustado en la valentía, el coraje y animar a otros a alcanzar sus sueños.
Ahora que lleva ocho años en redes de mercadeo con su hermana, la también líder de ByDzyne Karolina León, ese objetivo no ha cambiado ni un ápice para Ivanova y, hoy más que nunca, espera que su historia inspire a las masas.
“Sin duda, todo este esfuerzo y trabajo ha sido bajo la bendición de Dios porque fue Él quien puso el valor, las ganas y las personas adecuadas a mi alrededor.
Siento que mi trabajo es
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Beyond Slim Partners With Star Trainer Franz Snideman
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
According to a Beyond Slim publication:
The secret is out about Beyond Slim’s revolutionary wellness and weight loss product, ZipSlim, and with the incredible results that people are seeing, it is no wonder that word has spread so quickly.
Perhaps these amazing results are not just because the product itself is life-changing, but because it is so much more than just a product. Beyond Slim is a lifestyle, and their team has developed an entire program to not only help people lose weight, but to support lasting success through the help of their Metabolic Reboot program.
The Metabolic Reboot is the core of their program. So, to support their customers and coaches in reaching their weight loss goals, they offer unlimited access to the program absolutely free with their ZipSlim purchase. This program helps people achieve full circle wellness using 9 simple Reboot Rituals to reclaim their body, their energy, and their life.
Additionally, to support their mission of CANI (Constant and Never Ending Improvement), Beyond Slim has partnered with wellness professional and trainer to the stars, Franz Snideman to take this program to a whole new level by turning these 9 Reboot Rituals into fun, daily habits.
Franz has worked with renowned celebrities like
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Direct Sales Industry Veteran, Ronda Hartman Joins QuiAri
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
Ever since the birth of Network Marketing, the desire for time and money freedom has attracted millions of people to this industry. In 2023, that attraction is stronger than ever, especially for working parents.
According to a Pew Research study, 54% of working parents are finding it increasingly difficult to try and balance work and family. QuiAri Rock Star Promoter, Ronda Hartman knows all about the struggle. She left her career in Customer Service for a full-time Direct Sales Opportunity over 21 years ago so she could devote more time to her children. She describes it as “life-changing.”
“I was a busy Mom working well over 40 hours a week in the Customer Service Industry. At the time, my 3 daughters were very young, so every single day of the week was busy – homework, activities, sports, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. My husband was fantastic and helped as much as he could, but he also worked.
We’d just rush from one thing to another – leaving little time for fun or quality time. I was raised by a busy single Mom, and I understand the impact that it had on me. I wanted to be more present with my kids.
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ByDzyne Welcomes Industry Leaders Dave and Yvette Ulloa
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
Not even two months into the New Year and ByDzyne, a company already renowned for its seismic ripples in the network marketing universe, has today announced its most earth-shattering tremor in 2023 with the arrival of industry superstars Dave and Yvette Ulloa.
Dave and Yvette, who boasts almost 40 combined years of invaluable experience in the direct selling sector, are lauded worldwide for their leadership approach, business strategies, and their innate ability to connect with people.
Their list of accomplishments is breathtaking—they’ve been named top income producers/earners in previous companies on multiple occasions, they once helped launch and grow their business to just over three billion dollars in collective sales and revenue, and they’ve spanned the globe by constructing an organization that consisted of 135,000 people from over 30 countries.
The entrepreneurs, originally from New York but who now reside in Vero Beach, Florida, have also trained thousands at international speaking engagements, dawned the cover of national entrepreneurial publications, and have collaborated with some of the world’s most acclaimed mentors and authors including Tony Robbins, John Assaraf, and Zig Ziglar.
Simply put, the couple has done it all. And with ByDzyne as Dave and Yvette’s next and quite arguably their most promising chapter yet,
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ByDzyne da la bienvenida a los líderes del sector Dave e Yvette Ulloa
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
No han pasado ni dos meses desde el comienzo del nuevo año y ByDzyne, una empresa ya conocida por sus ondas sísmicas en el universo de las redes de mercadeo, ha anunciado hoy su temblor más estremecedor en 2023 con la llegada de las superestrellas del sector Dave e Yvette Ulloa.
Dave e Yvette, que cuentan con casi 40 años combinados de inestimable experiencia en el sector de venta directa, son alabados en todo el mundo por su enfoque de liderazgo, sus estrategias empresariales y su capacidad innata para conectar con la gente.
Su lista de logros es impresionante: han sido nombrados máximos productores y generadores de ingresos en empresas anteriores en múltiples ocasiones, una vez ayudaron a lanzar y hacer crecer su negocio más de tres mil millones de dólares en ventas e ingresos colectivos, y se han extendido por todo el mundo construyendo una organización formada por 135.000 personas de más de 30 países.
Los empresarios, originarios de Nueva York pero que ahora residen en Vero Beach, Florida, también han formado a miles de personas en conferencias internacionales, han aparecido en la portada de publicaciones empresariales nacionales y han colaborado con algunos de los mentores y autores más aclamados del mundo,
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APLGO Top Leaders Celebrate CEO Sergey Kulikov’s Birthday In Thailand
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
According to an APLGO press release:
What is the Golden People? This APLGO special event is held annually to celebrate the birthday of our President and Founder, Sergey Kulikov. Each year, a select group travels to a secret location to celebrate with the President in style.
This year, 30 company leaders arrived at the JW Marriott Hotel in Phuket, Thailand, eagerly anticipating the wonders to come. On the first night, guests raised a toast to Mr. Kulikov at the birthday dinner. Dancing, surprises and nonstop APLause filled the dining room during the festivities.
The second day dawned with even more wonders for the guests: elephants! Party goers enjoyed elephant rides, then swam with the majestic beasts. After a touching show, they were even kissed by a baby elephant.
By midday, everyone wondered what the next surprise would be – and they weren’t disappointed. The guests dined in a sea gypsy village. Then, they met more unique Thai animals – the crab-eating macaque.
Guests fed the macaques and learned more about Thailand’s wildlife. Throughout the trip, a funny and kind host named Mowgli led the tour. Everyone enjoyed his stories as he led them from one adventure to another.
APLGO Top Leaders
Just when guests thought it couldn’t
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Top Industry Leader, Susan Wade Joins QuiAri
by Nicole Dunkley • • 0 Comments
QuiAri Rock Star Promoter, Susan Wade studied hard in school and hoped to one day dedicate her life to helping others. That dream came true when she graduated from the University of Memphis with a degree in Nursing.
As an RN at a local hospital, she specialized in helping Moms and newborn babies. Her dream had come true…or so she thought. Although Susan loved her job, it required sacrifices she wasn’t willing to make.
“I worked really hard to achieve my goal of becoming a Pediatric Nurse, and it was just as rewarding as I hoped it would be.
Being around children all day made me want to start a family of my own, but the reality of my situation was disheartening. I worked very long hours with not much flexibility and for average pay. My husband had a good job, but not enough for me to quit or even take time off.
We had over $70,000 worth of student loan debt, owed $300,000+ on our house, and basically lived paycheck to paycheck. First, I had to accept that dreams can change over time, and that’s ok. My new dream was to be a stay-at-home Mom, but I had to find
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Neurologist Dr. Katy Szalay Joins DreamTrips International
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
Travel is good for your health, Dr. Katy Szalay extends work as neurologist, recreation specialist to an international level.
Credits Jim Rohn for introducing her to marketing psychology in 1992 and planting the idea she should explore network marketing as an alternate career path.
She grew deeply impressed with Rohn’s network marketing and training system, as well as his focus on professional development, after participating in training courses in the U.S. and Europe. But it wasn’t until 2001 that she pursued an entrepreneurial career as a training program developer and market builder.
Since then, Dr. Katy has built organizations in several countries around the world, including the U.S. and Europe. And in 2006, earned a secondary degree as a professional personality and health promotion recreation specialist.
“The exhilarating journey is an important tool for health, physical, mental and spiritual recovery. While preserving the value of health, it provides opportunities for material and personal development,”
Dr. Katy says.
This is why she joined DreamTrips International.
“For me, both as a doctor and as a recreation specialist, it is an extension of my own professional field to an international level.
It is an indescribably good feeling that we can bring a lasting experience into people’s lives through the
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Jefferson Santos Achieves $100K Rank At MyDailyChoice
by Team Business For Home • • 0 Comments
MyDailyChoice is excited to announce that Jefferson Santos and his wife, Megan Santos, have reached their $100K Affiliate level.
A veteran in the industry with more than 25 years in the biz, this internationally known best-selling author and award-winning network marketer shows no sign of stopping.
Jefferson has amassed teams of 2.8 million people and generated over $3 billion dollars in revenue to become an eight-figure earner.
Additionally, Jefferson has produced more than 60 seven-figure earners as well as over 250 six-figure earners on his team. If that wasn’t impressive enough, Jefferson was also inducted into the Network Marketing Hall of Fame in 2018.
Jefferson and Megan Santos first emerged on the scene during the holidays when most network marketers take the month off, thus gaining dominance in the market share. Their success continued when transitioning to MDC, which first drew their attention thanks to the extensive House of Brands.
“One of the key things that got me excited about joining MDC is I’ve got teams exploding with different brands. In different parts of the world, we’re exploding in multiple countries within the House of Brands.”
Learn more about Jefferson’s chosen products at
About MyDailyChoice:
Josh and Jenna Zwagil are passionate about providing a true