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ByDzyne’s Mariana Darias from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

Inspirational leaders in the network marketing world are continuing to emerge from ByDzyne, and the momentous company has yet another powerful leader on the rise with the arrival of new 1-Star President Mariana Darias from Venezuela. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Mariana, a 29-year-old rising Venezuelan entrepreneur who currently resides over 7,000 kilometers away on the beautiful island of Tenerife, Spain, has always been a faithful believer that true joy and freedom stem from people chasing after their dreams.
While she, herself, dedicated her effort and time to sales and visual merchandising at numerous fashion stores throughout Spain, she always knew she was meant for more. She wanted to grow and develop as a person, support her family, and most importantly leave a lasting impact on the world. 
In 2020, Mariana truly began that journey to achieve those goals. She was introduced to the direct sales industry and immediately fell in love with the opportunity for radical and transformative change. Mariana believes she’s now living that dream and gets to do it in a company that does not settle for anything less than extraordinary.   
“I decided to join ByDzyne because it is a company that allows me


Mariana Darias de ByDzyne, Venezuela, Alcanza El Puesto De Presidente 1-Estrella

Líderes inspiradores en el mundo de las redes de mercadeo siguen surgiendo de ByDzyne, y la trascendental compañía tiene otra poderosa líder en ascenso con la llegada de la nueva Presidente 1-Estrella Mariana Darias de Venezuela. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Mariana, una empresaria venezolana en ascenso de 29 años que actualmente reside a más de 7.000 kilómetros de distancia, en la hermosa isla de Tenerife (España), siempre ha sido una fiel creyente de que la verdadera alegría y la libertad surgen de las personas que persiguen sus sueños.
Aunque ella misma dedicó su esfuerzo y su tiempo a las ventas y a la comercialización visual en numerosas tiendas de moda de toda España, siempre supo que estaba destinada a más. Quería crecer y desarrollarse como persona, apoyar a su familia y, lo más importante, dejar un impacto duradero en el mundo. 
En 2020, Mariana realmente comenzó ese viaje para lograr esos objetivos. Fue introducida a la industria de ventas directas e inmediatamente se enamoró de la oportunidad de un cambio radical y transformador. Mariana cree que ahora está viviendo ese sueño y consigue hacerlo en una empresa que no se conforma


Dr. JUCHHEIM Cosmetics Awards First Globe-Trotter Rank

Dr. JUCHHEIM Cosmetics celebrated a wave of enthusiasm due to countless career advancements. 
And not only that; since the introduction of the new marketing plan, the three new, top titles have also been occupied by relentless leaders; and we were able to award and crown our first “Globe-Trotter” (highest career level): Sandra & Dietmar Schwalm (Germany).
The company-wide increase in turnover compared to the previous month came to 31%. Total payout expanded to 63% more distributors compared to December 2022. This means that the new marketing plan pays out more widely and also pays out higher with a double-digit percentage increase compared to Dec’22.
Income was distributed to many more brand ambassadors and in some cases even to unprecedented personal record amounts. In total, 306 Distributors achieved new career levels, including 261 new Managers, 19x Director, 13x National Team Director, 4x International Team Director, 2x President, one new Senator, 5 new Admirals and one first Globe-Trotter (as explained above). 
The career level ADMIRAL has not been occupied before and has now been reached 5 times: Annette Schroeder, Renate Bode, Petra Gomer, Karin Mack as well as Ágnes Váczy-Huebschl & Mattis Baumann. 
The company expresses thanks to all its leaders and especially


DreamTrips International Launches Asia Pacific Market

After months of pre-launch work and the recent lift of travel restrictions to Hong Kong, DreamTrips International launched their business in the Asia-Pacific region in May.
During the event, CEO Mark Smith and Chief Field Officer Tammy Smith introduced senior leadership heading up expansion plans and met with local field leadership growing the DreamTrips brand in the region. 
After the meetings the Smiths’ joined the leaders and others on the first DreamTrip in the region since restrictions were lifted.  
“Tammy and I traveled to Hong Kong to meet our top field leaders face-to-face and shake hands with the people who are building the DreamTrips International brand in Asia.
We were so happy to share our vision for the company with them and strategized together about DTI expansion throughout the region,”
DTI CEO Mark Smith said.
“Our market is rapidly expanding, and ranks are exploding in that region.
To gear up for the skyrocketing travel demand that’s taking place all over Asia, we are adding an average of 20 new DreamTrips every month to our travel catalog to meet consumer needs,”
Smith said.
Sam Lau has been earmarked to lead DTI’s Asia Pacific expansion efforts as general manager. Lau brings a wealth of experience


One More Internatonal Has Launched Three New Products For Pets

One More International continues to renew, grow, and develop day by day.  
Following it’s 8 existing products and 6 products developed under the Lumiére by One More brand, One More International launched 3 new animal-related products under the name Pawsy by One More.
The brand presented Pet Care Nano Spray, Pet Care Nano Towel, and Pet Care Wipes to users along with the slogan “For the Love of Pets!” The products were launched at the Vision Day 7 event on June 3, 2023.  

During his launch speech, Global President Mustafa Erdil stated,
“We have started a new era in the network marketing sector. This step will be the signature of One More International.”  
Global Vice President Sevcihan Saygılı Erdil concluded the launch by saying,
“Pawsy by One More carries a great mission not only for the industry but also for all humanity. From now on, the health and care of our furry friends are entrusted to One More International!”  
The products, which have already received high marks from users, were designed to alleviate many problems of our animal friends, especially skin problems, when used regularly. They aim to reduce skin diseases such as fungus, scabies, and eczema to a minimum, making the lives of


Tsougong Aurelien Achieves Crown Diamond Rank At Streakk

Tsougong Aurelien is an exceptional marketer who has shown that determination is one of the best antidotes to failure. With the leadership and support of Streakk, Tsougong has quickly achieved the highly coveted Crown Diamond rank.
Tsougong joined the network marketing industry in 2018. He chose network marketing for the limitless possibilities that it offers, some of which are the possibility to start your own business with very low finances, the freedom of time and money, and especially the love to contribute to the success of people, something that cannot be found in the world of salaried work.
He has succeeded in turning his success story into a source of motivation and determination for other promising networkers. Tsougong started his journey with product marketing, and as time went by, he struggled in terms of financing.
However, he evolved more in his personal development, which allowed him to grow and dream big. He then decided that he was going to redefine his future and improve his lifestyle, as well as that of others, especially those who do not believe that they can create a wonderful reality for themselves.
For the new Crown Diamond ambassador, finding an outstanding product with the right vision and leadership


Tara Morgan: Beyond Slim Legacy Leader Pioneer

Tara Morgan initially became involved with the Beyond Slim community for one reason: she wanted to sell a delicious-tasting drink that was supported by science. When Sara Johnson first approached her with ZipSlim, Tara could tell you it was a case of love at first sip. 
“Not only did the drink taste amazing, but I lost seven pounds within the first week.”
Tara lives in Maryland where she is an active military wife and mother to her beloved daughter. She entered the direct-selling industry to cover her car payment of $560. Seven years of marketing experience later, Tara has become a seven-figure earner and gained over a million dollars in network marketing. 
Just before Beyond Slim, Tara had told the world she was done with network marketing and direct sales. 
“I wasn’t looking to build a team, I just wanted to sell ZipSlim because I knew the power of just the product itself.”
After being introduced to Rachel Kellogg’s compelling vision for a team of leaders to share Beyond Slim’s message with the world, Tara decided to jump headfirst and become the company’s first vested Legacy Leader.  
Tara credits her success with Beyond Slim to her pure belief in the product. 
“My love for ZipSlim goes hand-in-hand


Network Marketing Leader, Tricia Merkert Joins QuiAri

Before joining the Network Marketing industry 8 years ago, QuiAri Shooting Star Promoter, Tricia Merkert from New York was working full-time as a Sales Support Manager.
She believed it was the only way to make a living – work hard for 40 hours a week for 40+ years of her life and retire one day with barely enough to get by. Fortunately, a friend introduced her to the MLM industry, which ultimately led her to QuiAri.
“After I learned about the power of Direct Sales and duplication, I realized that working 9 to 5 in the Corporate world, hoping for small annual raises and bonuses is basically settling for an average future.
I didn’t have a clear path to my dream lifestyle, and to be honest, I couldn’t see myself even getting there. In 2015, I joined an MLM company part-time to try it out and I immediately loved the way it was structured.
I put in the work, followed the system, and was successful. Suddenly, I could afford those little extras and it was fantastic.
Now, 8 years later, I still like the extras, especially using them towards home renovations, but I need an opportunity where my really big dreams


ByDzyne’s Melissa Martinez and Yesid Rico from Colombia Achieve 1-Star President

Already recognized as a manufacturer of some of the world’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs, ByDzyne is also becoming a hotspot for producing the newest rising dynamic duos, and this month recognizes its latest 1-Star Presidents from Colombia, Melissa Martinez and Yesid Rico.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
The married couple, who hail from the Colombian capital city of Bogotá, is new to the network marketing world.
While Melissa previously served for five years as a civil engineer for some local construction companies and Yesid labored as a policeman for over 12 years, they were always hungry for more success and distinctively a wider platform to help and serve others.
Then they were opportunely introduced to the direct sales world and ByDzyne, and they now both believe they have uncovered what they had been searching years for.  
“We chose ByDzyne for innovation, legality, development, and growth. ByDzyne is a company that stands out for its corporate team, vision, education, and training in personal development and leadership.
We feel very grateful to you, our executive team, for the effort of always giving us the best experience in our growth.
Without a doubt, we have chosen the best company and we


Melissa Martínez y Yesid Rico de ByDzyne, Colombia, logran ser Presidentes 1-Estrella

Ya reconocido como fabricante de algunos de los empresarios más prometedores del mundo, ByDzyne también se está convirtiendo en un punto de referencia para la producción de los dúos dinámicos emergentes más recientes, y este mes reconoce a sus últimos Presidentes 1-Estrella de Colombia, Melissa Martínez y Yesid Rico.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
El matrimonio, originario de Bogotá, la capital colombiana, es nuevo en el mundo de las redes de mercadeo.
Aunque Melissa trabajó durante cinco años como ingeniera civil para algunas empresas de construcción locales y Yesid trabajó como policía durante más de 12 años, siempre tuvieron hambre de más éxito y, sobre todo, de una plataforma más amplia para ayudar y servir a los demás.
Entonces conocieron oportunamente el mundo de la venta directa y a ByDzyne, y ahora ambos creen haber descubierto lo que llevaban años buscando.  
“Elegimos ByDzyne por su innovación, legalidad, desarrollo y crecimiento. ByDzyne es una empresa que destaca por su equipo corporativo, visión, educación y formación en desarrollo personal y liderazgo.
Nos sentimos muy agradecidos con ustedes, nuestro equipo directivo, por el esfuerzo de brindarnos siempre la mejor experiencia en nuestro crecimiento.
Sin duda,