Tag Archive for Network Marketing Trainers

Social Media Legend Frazer Brookes Speaker At The Monaco MasterMind Event

Rob Sperry has the most exclusive masterminds in all of network marketing. Each year he has masterminds all over the world with those who have made a minimum of 6 figures in a year. Not only does he bring some of the world top earners together but he brings in top trainers and speakers.
The Social Media LEGEND Frazer Brookes will be speaking at the next Leader of Leaders Mastermind in Monte Carlo on June 14 – 17th. Frazer and Rob have spoken all over the world together and are excited to continue elevating the network marketing profession.
Sperry loves choosing incredible locations and bringing in some of the brightest minds to help collaborate.  Last year Rob rented out an island in Belize for one of his masterminds, rented out the worlds largest log cabin and had another epic mastermind in Dubai.
His latest mastermind was in Bora Bora at The St Regis accompanied by 23 other top leaders from all different companies.  This is a generic mastermind open to anyone in network marketing that has made a minimum of 6 figures in a 12-month period.
In Bora Bora, the mastermind was balanced with more than just training.  The group had meals together and fun


Top Trainer Rob Sperry Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

As an ambitious introvert who has overcome his fear of public speaking, Rob Sperry has unique insights to help you to achieve levels of success you never thought possible.
He is widely known for his non hype straight forward refreshing style.
As a 28 year old Rob Sperry generated over 2 million dollars in volume in his first year in Network Marketing. In 2008, he hung up his racket as a tennis coach and manager of a tennis club to join a multi-billion-dollar Network Marketing company.
In his first year he set the record that year for sponsoring the most new people into the company in a single month.  He reached the highest level in the company in less than a year.
Years after being with his first company in Network Marketing he decided to expand his recruiting efforts with a company outside the Network Marketing industry.  He recruited over a 100 door to door salesmen/saleswomen in less than 4 months for a 3 year old company that sold TV satellite dishes.  Of which 68 left their state to sell for the summer. 
Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
He has consulted for numerous Network Marketing and non Network Marketing companies.


Top Trainer Rob Sperry Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

As an ambitious introvert who has overcome his fear of public speaking, Rob Sperry has unique insights to help you to achieve levels of success you never thought possible.
He is widely known for his non hype straight forward refreshing style.
As a 28 year old Rob Sperry generated over 2 million dollars in volume in his first year in Network Marketing. In 2008, he hung up his racket as a tennis coach and manager of a tennis club to join a multi-billion-dollar Network Marketing company.
In his first year he set the record that year for sponsoring the most new people into the company in a single month.  He reached the highest level in the company in less than a year.
Years after being with his first company in Network Marketing he decided to expand