Tag Archive for multi level marketing

Ambassadors Of Network Marketing – Hall Of Fame 2018

There is a group of international servant leaders promoting the Network Marketing – Direct Selling Industry in a generic way.
They are active on social media, speakers at generic conventions or serve through international organisations such as the DSA or WFDSA. 
Servant leadership is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world.
Ambassadors of Network Marketing can be trainers/ authors, corporate leaders or distributors being instrumental to the Direct Selling Industry.
A network marketing servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong.
While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top,” servant leadership is different.
The Network marketing servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.
A new Ambassador Of Network Marketing has to be nominated by at least 2 present Ambassadors from different companies.
“With gratitude for your leadership, contribution and service
in elevating the network marketing profession”


Adam Green (US)
Aika Lorraine Uy (PH)
AK Khalil (US)
Al Bala (US)
Alex Morton (US)
Amber Voight (US)
Anders Karlsson (SE)
Anna Woodward (US)
Armand Puyolt (US)
Art Jonak


Direct Selling Companies Momentum Ranks Updates Daily

You find the Momentum page here
On popular demand, our developers have put the Direct Selling Companies Momentum page online.
The page refresh daily, and will be integrated in our Direct Selling News App.
What is Momentum? Momentum is the magic of Direct Selling – MLM – Network Marketing.  The “Holy Grail”.
You need a lot of “Momentum” in your Direct Selling career. Momentum is hard to build, and easy to lose….
If your company is not in our database, please fill in this form Add A Company.
Professionals are looking for momentum to join a new opportunity when they are in the market for a career switch.
Corporate executives or field leaders can create momentum. It represents that important element which transforms individuals, groups, and teams into that unstoppable force. Distributor groups are growing fast and are


How To Build Momentum In Direct Selling – Network Marketing

Success unshared is failure…
Momentum is the “holy grail” of Network Marketing, Multi Level Marketing (MLM) and Direct Selling.
Momentum is hard to build, and easy to lose…. Corporate executives or field leaders can create momentum.
It represents that important element which transforms individuals, groups, and teams into that unstoppable force. Distributor groups are growing fast and are very successfull.
The question we often get is: How do we do that?
The answer:  – Share (medium) rank advancements – and then not only with your group or company but with the world through press releases / write ups. We have noticed companies or leaders who do that grow much faster then others we are more “under the radar” for what ever reason.
In a press release / write up it is important to explain how a


Network Marketing – How To Fix It

Josephine Gross, Editor in Chief of Networking Times has published an awesome article: What is wrong with Network Marketing and how to fix it:
“”Have you ever wondered what causes the general public to be skeptical, the media  to be negative, and governments to be suspicious?
To find some answers and solutions to the problem, network marketing millionaire and author Pat Petrini recently created a 7-part video series, explaining why network marketing has struggled since its inception and continues to struggle as a business model.
You may know Pat Petrini as the creator of the viral video (over 1.2 million views!) – I still think it’s a pyramid scheme


Pat believes there is something inherently unsustainable in the way network marketing has been practiced up until now, causing it to be under constant scrutiny by governments, as well as contributing to its tarnished reputation