Tag Archive for Leadership

Top Leader Alex Morton – How To Recruit Leadership Into Your Team

Alex Morton:
I’ve been full time in this profession for about 5 years now. During this time, I’ve been fortunate to have sponsored over a dozen 6 figure earners (6 figure earner means at one point in their career they earned on average $8K a month for a calendar year) as well as a handful of 7 figure earners ($80,000/Month for a calendar year.)
Now, I am a big believer in organic building, grass roots, bottom up, mostly because my first 4 years were just that. However, if/when you can land a “BIG DOG” it can produce wonders for your team & for the company. 
Furthermore, this is where it gets interesting, THE VAST MAJORITY OF THE BIG LEADERS I’VE ENROLLED INITIATED THE CONVERSATION WITH ME. Most of them made the first initial point