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iGenius Introduces New Bonus

iGenius, a company who offers financial education, research, opportunities, and tools that empower individuals to participate in the crypto, equity, and forex markets, offers a compelling feature known as the Rapid Fire Bonus. 
The Rapid Fire Bonus is a renewal bonus that is a reliable way for iGenius members to generate monthly income. This bonus rewards members for the ongoing activity of their personally enrolled members.
The Rapid Fire Bonus provides a $25 payout every time a personally enrolled member renews their monthly subscription. This creates an ongoing income stream for iGenius members, as long as their personal enrollments remain active on the iGenius platform. It’s a straightforward yet effective way to build recurring income, giving members more financial flexibility as they grow their personal networks and build their teams.
What makes the Rapid Fire Bonus particularly attractive is its scalability. The more people you personally enroll, the greater your earning potential. This bonus also incentivizes long-term engagement, as each renewal brings in additional income.
For members focused on building sustainable financial growth, the Rapid Fire Bonus offers a predictable, consistent source of income. iGenius’s Bonus Plan, with features like this, highlights its commitment to supporting its community’s success, making it easier for members