Tag Archive for Gano Excel

Malaysia’s Sun Newspaper Profiles Gano Excel

The Sun newspaper in Malaysia has profiled home grown wellness MLM company Gano Excel recognizing its achievements in today’s paper, titled Two decades of Empowerment and Excellence. 
FOR over 20 years, Gano Excel Industries Sdn Bhd has contributed relentlessly to the wellness industry both locally and globally. The company is known to harvest medicinal mushroom, Ganoderma Lucidumor Lingzhi, leveraging on its health benefits to develop supplements and beverages.
Gano Excel’s humble beginnings started off with its founder, Leow Soon Seng, when he discovered the miracle herb in 1985 through his brother, a certified acupuncturist. Leow then began research on the herb and tried cultivating it in Malaysia with success after a period of trial and error over eight years.
The ground-breaking encounter with the medicinal mushroom later prompted Leow to grow it on a larger


Top Earner Robert Hollis Joins Modere

Robert  Hollis has built up a team of over 500,000 Affiliates in his career and went over $29+ Million in Direct Selling Life Time Earnings.
Struggling to support his family as a car mechanic in North Dakota, Robert’s life changed for the better after being exposed to the network marketing industry 26 years ago
Today he announced to join Modere a company from Springville, Utah, USA that is the transformation of Neways, a $300 million per year direct selling company based network marketing company.
Modere is run by CEO Robert Conley, who has had an exemplary 20+ year career in direct sales with extensive experience as one of the early pioneers of Asian markets for 16 years with one of today’s billion dollar company’s. Robert has teamed with Justin Serra, GM of North America


Gano Excel Loses Lawsuit Against Colombian Progal BT

Gano Excel opposed the use of the Ganogen brand by Progal BT with the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce (SIC) in Columbia, to protect their brand Gano Café.
Both companies make use of the medicinal fungus Ganoderma Lucidum, found in the highland rainforests of Asia and known for its therapeutic benefits, in their portfolio of its products and have been engaged in a lawsuit to defend their respective brands.
The debate began when SIC approved Progal’s application under international class 5 for nutritional supplements and products made of flour under Class 30.
Malaysian origin company Gano Excel opposed the application and appealed the SIC’s decision.
Gano Excel argued that its brand was already registered in 28 countries and the word Gano was also being used by it for its Gano Café brand, hence giving it priority. Additionally, as