Tag Archive for Factor X Fuel Treatment

MyDailyChoice Launches Fuel Factor X Fuel Treatment

MyDailyChoice is thrilled to introduce Fuel Factor X, a proprietary all-in-one fuel treatment created to reduce emissions, enhance performance, improve fuel economy, and prolong engine life.
“The timing for this launch is perfect, this is the product that led me into the network marketing industry in 2009, and I wanted to bring this product back to life at MyDailyChoice because what better time than now.
Gas prices are at record breaking high everywhere, and we are all feeling it. Fuel Factor X is one of the only products that I have found that actually works.”
said Josh Zwagil, CEO and Founder MyDailyChoice.
About Fuel Factor X
Fuel Factor X advanced fuel treatment was created with a proprietary formula designed for specific purposes.

Organometallic Compound

A catalyst that ignites fuel at a lower temperature, providing a longer, more complete burn of the fuel. This causes the fuel to be used more efficiently, providing improved fuel economy and less wasted fuel out through the exhaust, which reduces emissions. The organometallic compound burns more of the available BTUs of the fuel.


Reduces friction from pistons, pumps, and injectors, which would ultimately wear down the engine, therefore prolonging the engine’s working life.


Cleans and maintains injectors, as well as