Tag Archive for Expenses

More than a third of workers never claim back on expenses

More than a third of workers say they never claim back their expenses, according to new research. Allstar Business Solutions also reveal that 58 per cent routinely don’t claim unless they are owed more than £5 as they think that the amount is ‘too little’. Workers avoid claiming expenses Pay and reclaim processes are notorious for
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Three ways small businesses can take control of their cash flow

Managing cash flow is a persistent worry for small businesses – our recent research found that almost two-thirds of SME decision-makers say it keeps them awake at night. Working capital management is not only stressful, but time-consuming: SMEs spend on average half a working day every week on this. What’s more, a third (32 per
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Overclaiming on expenses is costing the economy £1.6 billion a year

Professionals who overclaim on their business expenses could be costing the UK economy a massive £1.6 billion a year, according to a new report from Allstar Business Solutions. The study, which questioned 1,000 working professionals, reveals that 36 per cent of drivers have overclaimed mileage and 17 per cent of employees deliberately overclaim on all of their
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Don’t pay for pants: How your small business can tackle expense fraud

Have you ever thought about claiming your underwear on expenses? Or pet food for your dog? How about flights for a nice holiday to the Caribbean? Me neither. But these are just some of the surprising claims revealed by HMRC last month that highlight the issue of ludicrous claims and fraud facing businesses around the
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