Tag Archive for Dr. Dan Gruber

Three International Dr. Dan Gruber’s Secret To Proactive Wellness

Imagine your body is like a raft floating down the river of life. Energy is constantly and intentionally applied to keep it progressing in the right direction. Without this proactive energy guiding the raft, it will veer off course; it may get beat upon the rocks; and it might even end up plummeting off a waterfall.
When it comes to your body’s health, being proactive means to exert intentional energy to take good care of it, which is easier said than done for most of us admits Dr. Dan Gubler, Chief Scientific Officer at Three, a direct selling company based outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.
Dr. Dan, as he prefers to be called, says that “being proactive” is a concept that’s well known and readily used, but rarely applied in terms of individual health. Dr. Dan explains:
“For a variety of reasons, most of us tend to wait until something is ‘wrong’ before we start thinking about taking care of our health. As the Proactive Wellness Company, one of our goals at Three is to change that mindset.”
Dr. Dan says the secret to taking consistent, proactive care of your body is simply this: Take many little steps each day to maintain and