In our database we have around 1,000 direct selling companies from all over the world. We have classified in the past months around 650 of them with an AAA+, AA, A or B grade.
This is based on the information we have about a company with key figures such as revenue, momentum, Alexa ratings, poll results, input from direct selling professionals and top earners and Head Office visits we regular do.
20+ companies have received an AAA+ grade, 100 the AA+ grade, 350 the A+ grade and the others a B grade.
In a couple of weeks the results will be visible together with a lot of extra data in the Business For Home app, available both for Android as iOS. Therefore we recommend to download the app.
Version 1.1.1 is online which delivers industry
Tag Archive for Direct Selling Secrets
Hot Business News Today
Dave Savula – LegalShield Top Earner Passed Away
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
Dave Savula, LegalShield Top Earner has passed away.
In 2014 LegalShield has granted him a Lifetime Achievement Award:
“LegalShield, one of the nation’s leading providers of legal safeguards for individuals, families and small businesses, honored Dave Savula for his remarkable career as a LegalShield associate with the first ever Dave Savula Lifetime Achievement Award at a special ceremony in Ada, Oklahoma last evening.
Savula received the award after a nearly 25 year sales career with the company, during which he became LegalShield’s first million dollar and multi-million dollar sales earner, as well as a leader in the multi-level marketing community.
“Dave embodies what LegalShield associates should strive to be: hard working, persistent, dedicated, and of good moral character,” said Rip Mason, the CEO of LegalShield. “He has been integral to the success of the sales force and is a friend to many within the organization. With
Hot Business News Today
Dr. Francesco Marotta – Mannatech Hopes to Help Transform Lives
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
For Dr. Francesco Marotta good health is all about the gut. He has been advocating and studying gut health long before it was cool.
Dr. Marotta, a member of Mannatech’s Global Scientific Advisory Board, brings world-class credentials to making the issue of gut health front and center to the public. He is a gastroenterologist and hepatologist, and he received training in molecular biology and nutrition.
He has been involved with studying and learning probiotics and gut microbiota for the past 20 years, long before it gained prominence among scientists and researchers for its importance in overall health.
Marotta decided to join Mannatech’s GSAB because he has always been impressed by the science that backs up many of Mannatech’s ingredients and products. He was also impressed by the company’s wish to further strengthen and expand its
Hot Business News Today
The Steinkeller Brothers Achieve $1,8 Million Per Month With OneCoin
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
Top Industry Leaders Aron, Christian and Stephan Steinkeller from Italy have achieved the $1,8 million per month mark with digital currency opportunity OneCoin. It gives them a Top 5 position in the Business For Home Top Earner ranks.
OneCoin is headquartered in Europe (Bulgaria) with worldwide operations.
The company focus on core markets such as South East Asian countries, Europe, India, South America and Africa and has approx. 2 million members.
According to the company:
“2015 has been a great year for OneCoin, reaching $1B Market Cap already in October. Imagine that if all our coins were mined today, we would have been the biggest player on the market! We made that possible thanks to the efforts of the OneCoin leaders and everybody in the network, working hard to promote the One concept.
The Steinkeller Brothers
Hot Business News Today
Morinda Launching Essential Oils Line
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
The introduction of essential oils sent the direct sales industry spinning. With every company jumping on the essential oils bandwagon, however, the excitement has waned and the industry has gone dull once more but not for long.
Morinda is combining the seed oil from the Tahitian Noni fruit with other essential oil must-haves to create an industry-changing line of essential blends that will hit the market this month.
While Morinda is not known as one of the big players in the essential oils game, they’ve historically been a provider of the Tahitian Noni Seed Oil for more than 19 years. This product has undergone several scientific studies that have found the oil to have remarkable transdermal delivery properties and deep moisturizing benefits.
“Noni seed oil is historically known to provide soothing and therapeutic benefits
Hot Business News Today
Nu Skin Expects 20,000 Attendees At Hong Kong Convention
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
As part of the company’s Greater China regional convention in Hong Kong, Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. today announced the appointment of Andrew Fan as chairman of Nu Skin China and strategic adviser to the company’s new global opportunity innovation team. Charlene Chiang will assume the role of president of the company’s Greater China region.
The regional convention will host approximately 20,000 sales leaders and customers from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. At the convention, sales leaders will build on the momentum created by new ageLOC® products, celebrate the success of top sales leaders in the region and discuss plans for future growth and success.
“In the weeks leading up to the event, we executed a very successful introduction of our innovative ageLOC Me skin care system and sold out of a limited
Hot Business News Today
doTerra Hit $100 Million Per Month
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
According to an article on the company:
hit $1 billion in revenue, and had the first $100 million month in 2016.
The US alone became a $1 billion market.
doTERRA became 100% debt-free.
doTERRA became the World’s Largest Essential Oil Company.
1 million packages a month were shipped in the US.
doTERRA recently announced the grand opening of its new, 4500-square-foot office and product center which is 150 percent larger than the previous office, and will serve thousands of people living in and visiting Victoria.
The state-of-the-art product center, located at Level 1, 271, Wellington Road, Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia, is near the M1 and EastLink freeways, providing convenient, easy access for doTERRA’s independent direct-sales, Wellness Advocate distributers in Victoria. The product center will be open to the public, where locals can experience doTERRA products and learn how essential
Hot Business News Today
Top 500 Direct Selling Companies Worldwide
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
According to the USA Direct Selling Association and the World Federation Of Direct Selling Associations, (WFDSA) the market is $183 billion worldwide with 103 million distributors. (Year 2015)
However the WFDSA measure their members only and the majority of Direct Selling companies are not members.
There are more than 10,000+ Direct Selling companies worldwide, many of them in Asia and China, under the radar and are in the $25 – $100+ million sales range.
We research on an ongoing basis the sales / revenue of Direct Selling companies for 2015.
If we estimate revenue, based on the information we have, we tend to do so on the low side. Holdings with a multi channel strategy (Vorwerk) or with ownership in several companies (JRJR Networks) we split out.
Based on below figures for 500+ companies, we are pretty sure the total market exceeds $250 Billion
As we research on
Hot Business News Today
5,000 Attendees At The OneCoin London Convention
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
5,000 distributors and guests attended the OneCoin convention in Wembley Stadium, London, UK.
OneCoin announced to set the goal on 10 million members and 1 million merchants within the next 2 years.
Some facts and figures about OneCoin:
Ruja Ignatova (1980) is founder and CEO and resides in Sofia, Bulgaria (East Europe). IT operations are also in Bulgaria. Ruja has a background in banking and finance and created OneCoin in 2014.
Her vision is to create a global payment system.
Ruja: “For years I have been working in the financial sector. My experience includes companies such as McKinsey & Company, Deutsche Bank, different asset management funds, including my own asset management company”.
Network Expansion
Ruja was introduced to Juha Parhiala in 2014 and his business partner Pehr Karlsson. Juha and Pehr are presently the top producers with $4+
Hot Business News Today
11500 Attendees At The Plexus Worldwide Convention
by Ted Nuyten • • 0 Comments
After months of planning and perfecting, Plexus Worldwide, a leading direct-selling health, wellness and weight management company, officially begins its annual convention in Las Vegas.
Sold out over two months in advance, more than 11,500 Ambassadors (independent resellers) are attending this year’s “2016 Dream on Convention” , being held June 12-15 at the MGM Grand Hotel.
The “2016 Dream On Convention” promises to inspire, educate, and energize Ambassadors (direct resellers) through valuable training sessions, collaboration and keynotes that help participants grow financially and personally, including speaker John Addison, Author of Real Leadership: 9 Simple Practices for Leading & Living With Purpose.
In addition to the sessions, several special events are planned including a Winners Dinner, Dessert Reception and the company’s largest ever Plexus Store. Singing and songwriting legend Michael Bolton will be performing, as well