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Patented Technology From B.A.N.K. Enable A Competitive Advancement For Companies

In today’s highly competitive landscape, there’s no denying that businesses are searching for new ways to attract and retain customers. Codebreaker Technologies has answered the call with their now-patented Codebreaker Authenticator technology. This enterprise-level solution allows businesses to get valuable data about their customers and members, not previously available to them, and in turn use that data to drive results and impact the bottom line.

“Codebreaker Authenticator reveals exactly why your members buy your products, join your business, attend your events, and promote your opportunity!”

said Codebreaker Technologies Founder and CEO Cheri Tree.
The company’s scientifically-validated methodology, known as B.A.N.K.®, helps individuals determine their personality code – or the values that drive decisions, buying behavior and communication styles. This is what the company calls a customer’s BANKCODE – and it’s very powerful.

Yet up until now, there wasn’t a way to integrate this technology into the existing membership platforms that businesses were already utilizing. With Codebreaker Authenticator, the technology can be seamlessly integrated via API with a businesses’ existing membership or login portal, much like Captcha.

Upon logging into a member portal for the first time, the member would complete a few quick and easy steps that would determine their BANKCODE. That information