Tag Archive for Cezary Lewicki

Polish Leader Cezary Lewicki Achieves Presidential Ambassador Rank At iGenius

Cezary Lewicki is a twenty-seven-year-old from Poland. Cezary grew up in the sports world and thought he had it set. He played professional volleyball for over twelve years, but in the blink of an eye, his entire career crumbled overnight due to a serious injury.
Cezary had to start over. During the COVID-19 pandemic he started looking for additional streams of income. One day, while he was scrolling through Instagram, he came across the profile of his current leader. They invited him to a free webinar and that’s how Cezary was introduced to iGenius. 
Cezary had no previous network marketing experience, but after being surrounded by a community of entrepreneurial and young people who shared the same vision for life as he did, he decided to fully commit and dive in head first. He said,
“I am extremely grateful that I found my way to iGenius mainly because of the extensive education and the fantastic community. Here, I can be my own boss and build a business on my own terms.
My results depend on the effort and time I invest, not on a boss who pays me a fixed salary every month without the possibility of advancement. At iGenius you can be