Tag Archive for business news

GOFINITY Launches Ads Club For Easy Access To Social Media Leads

As the direct selling landscape continues to evolve, adaptability and innovation are key to staying ahead of the curve. One company at the forefront of this innovation is GOFINITY, offering a comprehensive suite of tech-driven solutions to empower their Consultants from Shopify storefronts to cutting-edge lead generation systems.

GOFINITY recently launched their revolutionary Ads Club to simplify lead generation, streamline connections with prospects, and help their Consultants grow their businesses using the power of social media advertising.

How it works:
GOFINITY runs ads on several social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok promoting the business opportunity.  When someone shows interest, they click on the ads and submit their information.  As users submit their information, they are instantly connected with the Consultant.
GOFINITY Consultants just choose the number of leads they want to purchase, and the leads are delivered to them in real time directly to their app and also connected via text message.

This real-time connection ensures that prospects are engaged when their interest is at its peak, increasing the chances of conversion and building meaningful relationships. With GOFINITY’s Ads Club, anyone can access a continuous flow of prospects without breaking a sweat.

GOFINITY’s Ads Club marks a significant leap forward in the world of


$300 Million E-Commerce Success Paves The Way For GOFINITY Launch

For Brock and Tymeka Lawrence, “limits” are invitations to go beyond. They have a history of overcoming obstacles, building success out of next-to-nothing, and surpassing even their own lofty goals.
In recent years, their primary venture has been Hairfinity, a hair-care brand that has conquered the social media environment and captured a massive, almost cult-like following reaching over $300 million dollars in sales. On the strength of that achievement, they are ready to go even bigger with the launch of GOFINITY, a direct selling company with unlimited potential.
Tymeka created Hairfinity when she was in college earning first a bachelor’s and then a master’s degree in engineering. She’d always struggled with her own hair and was frustrated in her search for products that could help. A natural-born entrepreneur and inventor, she embarked on a period of intense research and began formulating her own products.
Sharing them with friends, and watching their enthusiastic response, she realized she’d created a winning formula, not just for hair but for a viable business. With her husband Brock, she launched the products online and the company took off.
The success of this venture sprang from the sheer quality of the product, and also from the care the team took


Michael Gonzales, Líder de la industria, se une a APL GO

Michael Gonzales de 28 años de edad, ha logrado posicionarse como uno de los líderes más importantes en Perú. Con más de 8 años de experiencia en Network Marketing, creó equipos en muchas ciudades de su país. 
Su pasión, su determinación y su perseverancia por salir adelante hizo que lograra un rango importante en su compañía e inspiró a muchos jóvenes a progresar. 
Es un fiel creyente en el sistema educativo que puede transformar a las personas y cambiar la mentalidad de la gente como lo hizo con el. 
Gracias a la industria del Network Marketing pudo conocer muchos países, ganar vacaciones, ganar un auto de alta gama, regalarle un departamento a sus padres. 
Michael no tiene miedo de ir tras sus sueños , muchas personas conocen su historia de trágico a mágico. 
Creció en medio de la pobreza donde vio la escasez en su infancia, a los 16 años se independizó y empezó a trabajar de mozo, tuvo un accidente el cual le enseñó a ser más fuerte, a los 18 años puso su primer negocio tradicional y fracasó a los 8 meses, a los 19 años conoció su primera compañía de MLM, en los primeros 4 años no tuvo un resultado grande, sin


ByDzyne’s David Acosta from Colombia Achieves 1-Star President

Although 2023 has begun its final descent, ByDzyne’s leadership growth continues to rise. The influential company has yet another promising star on its hands with the emergence of new 1-Star President from Colombia, David Acosta.  
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
David, a 27-year-old entrepreneur from the municipal town of Pacho, Cundinamarca, Colombia, boasts five years of experience in the direct sales sector and is known locally for his charisma, attitude, and work ethic. Motivated to be in the right company to help his people grow and fulfill their dreams, the Colombian leader believes he has found the right vehicle to accomplish those aspirations. 
“I mainly chose ByDzyne because of its innovation. The fact that it is a company that goes with global trends is a great opportunity to create a long-term business. 
For the ByDzyne executive team, I am very grateful for the effort you all have put in daily to give the leaders what we need to build for the long haul.
I appreciate that you are also out on the field helping us build,”
said David.
ByDzyne’s executive team would have it no other way than assisting their Brand Ambassadors worldwide, and recently recognized David


El colombiano David Acosta, de ByDzyne, alcanza la categoría de Presidente 1-Estrella

Aunque 2023 ha comenzado su descenso final, el crecimiento del liderazgo de ByDzyne sigue en aumento. La influyente empresa tiene otra prometedora estrella entre manos con la aparición del nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella de Colombia, David Acosta.  
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
David, un emprendedor de 27 años del municipio de Pacho, Cundinamarca, Colombia, cuenta con cinco años de experiencia en el sector de la venta directa y es conocido localmente por su carisma, actitud y ética de trabajo.
Motivado por estar en la empresa adecuada para ayudar a su gente a crecer y cumplir sus sueños, el líder colombiano cree haber encontrado el vehículo adecuado para lograr esas aspiraciones. 
“Elegí ByDzyne principalmente por su innovación. El hecho de que sea una empresa que va con las tendencias mundiales es una gran oportunidad para crear un negocio a largo plazo.
En cuanto al equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne, estoy muy agradecido por el esfuerzo que todos ustedes hacen a diario para dar a los líderes lo que necesitamos para construir a largo plazo. Aprecio que también estén sobre el terreno ayudándonos a construir”,
dijo David.
El equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne no quiere otra cosa que


Zac Harms: Innovation In The Digital World Through MKX Network

In a world where digital landscapes evolve rapidly, standing still is similar to falling behind. Enter Zac Harms, a force of determination and a seeker of knowledge, carving out his niche in the fast-paced digital realm with MKX Network. For Zac, education is not merely a job; it is a battlefield where he strives for excellence with the resilience of an entrepreneurial spirit.
Zac’s journey unfolds as a narrative of perpetual motion and continuous innovation, fueled by a fundamental belief that learning is not a passive endeavor but an active pursuit. His dedication extends beyond personal success as he works with MKX Network to empower others to realize their full potential.

Zac’s approach transforms challenges into stepping stones, obstacles into opportunities, and every endeavor into a triumph of strategic thinking and vision.

As an MKX Network partner, Zac actively contributes to developing digital products, systems, and automation processes. His role transcends traditional boundaries, embodying the ethos that success knows no limits. Zac’s strategic sense and commitment to learning position him as a driving force behind some of MKX Network’s innovative endeavors.

In essence, Zac Harms exemplifies a fusion of determination, knowledge, and a relentless pursuit of success in the digital era. His impact resonates


Emese Schön From Hungary, A Rising Star In Earn.World

Emese Schön:
“Earn.World’s heart intelligence makes it a fantastic company for women in crypto.”
Emese Schön is one of the remarkable women at Earn.World who are making a difference in the crypto space. She began networking in December 2022 with no prior experience in the field. She started her network marketing journey by posting her process on social media. This gave her the confidence to simply talk enthusiastically to other people about amazing opportunities.

“I chose the network marketing industry because it provides a very great chance to come in contact with different people all over the world. It connects people with each other and allows everyone to start off their career on an equal playing field regardless of their status quo. That’s really inspiring.”

shared Emese.
With hard work and dedication, Emese was able to increase her whole online and digital involvement; she noticed a significant shift in her social media presence and lifestyle and knew she wanted to get deeply involved in the network marketing field.

“I chose Earn.World because I can manage my money on my own terms, and it’s a great direct cash flow system in the Crypto Defi space. It also provides excellent business management capabilities. I admired Suki Chen’s


Top Leaders Ron And Sandy Brittain Join Bravenly

Bravenly Global is happy to announce that Sandy and Ron Brittain, who bring four decades of direct selling experience, have joined as Brand Partners. Their remarkable 40-year career is a testament to their resilience, entrepreneurial drive, leadership, and dedication to uplifting others through the power of network marketing.
Over the years, this dynamic duo has achieved record-breaking success, earned awards, owned their own network marketing company and been #1 top earners in the field.
Bravenly Global’s CEO/Founder Aspen Emry said:

“We feel beyond blessed that servant leaders of the caliber, character and tremendous experience of Sandy and Ron Brittain are joining the Bravenly Global family. We want this community to be a beacon of hope, preserving the promise of network marketing for generations to come.”

Sandy and Ron Brittain shared:
“We’ve experienced the highs and lows of this industry, but joining Bravenly Global feels like coming home. It’s not just about WHAT you are doing, but WHO you are doing it with. We’re excited to be part of a community that values integrity, courage, faith and a genuine commitment to making a difference.”
From Stay-at-Home Mom to the Top 1%
After the birth of her first child, Sandy, eager to avoid leaving her baby