Tag Archive for business news

The Gadgets Your Small Business Needs (and the Ones it Doesn't)

It was another great week on the 3TechGuys -show! The guys – Ramon Ray, Gene Marks and Brent Leary – discussed this week’s top news, which included an announcement from Google on website security and rankings, Facebook’s new messenger app that is raising questions about privacy and then, just for fun, a review of tech gadgets that you might want to stay away from. It was an informative week, and you won’t want to miss a moment, so check out the video below to watch the full show.


New ViSalus Ambassador Marco Passanante Leads European Expansion

Only a short time after holding its Vi Germany and Vi Austria pre-launch event in Frankfurt, ViSalus announced today that Berlin’s Marco Passanante, a successful European entrepreneur who started promoting Vi’s PROJECT 10™ Challenge in June 2014, has become the second Vi Promoter in the German market to achieve the prestigious Ambassador leadership rank*.
Over the past five years, Marco has been a top earner in Europe’s network marketing industry, a journey that opened up new opportunities to impact lives with Vi, including the chance to work with Vi Co-Founder and Global Ambassador, Nick Sarnicola.
“I was drawn to Nick’s leadership and the company’s mission and how they helped children through PROJECT 10 Kids,” said Marco. “The idea that I could be a part of transforming thousands of people not only financially but also physically really resonated with me.”
The importance of leading a healthy lifestyle was engrained into Marco in his youth. “I grew up as an athlete—a soccer goalkeeper,” he said. “I learned about how to eat right, how to sacrifice, and how to pursue your passions with tremendous hard work. Vi gives me the opportunity to Challenge others to improve their lives by using these same lessons.”
Today, the 31-year-old Passanante has used this strong work