Tag Archive for Business Management

Lessons learned from… the Drayton Manor incident

In this SmallBusiness monthly series of Lessons Learned, Jennifer Janson, author of The Reputation Playbook and chairman of Six Degrees, will assess how a company recently in the news has handled a crisis, and provide top tips for small businesses to handle a crisis in the best way possible: The worst possible kind of crisis
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Brexit negotiation guidelines released – but what do they mean for businesses?

The key documents for the EU Brexit negotiations have now been published, but what they actually mean still remains a mystery for some businesses. The guidelines are as follows, in the order that they were produced: The Article 50 Letter from the UK Government The EU Parliament’s Negotiating Guidelines The EU Commission Negotiating Guidelines The
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What will rising business rates mean for SMEs?

April 2017 brought with it a new challenge for UK businesses, as the two-year delay on the rise in business rates – based upon the revaluation of the value of business property – finally hit. With commercial property prices rising exponentially over the past few years, some areas of London are facing rate increases of
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Guide to effectively capturing your employees’ skills

We all bring different skills to the table in the workplace, and that’s a really good thing. But your employees’ skill sets are only of any use to you if you know how to identify their skills in the first place. If you want to learn more about the skill sets your workers possesses, for
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The quiet opportunity: taking advantage of the slow periods

In business, as in life, keeping busy provides us with a sense of purpose, progress and comfort that things are moving forward. So, when an opportunity for quiet reflection or solitude arises, perhaps it’s not surprising that some of us find the prospect uninviting. Indeed, it seems that many of us prefer doing anything to
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It’s tough at the top: A focus on the mental health of business leaders

The old cliché of ‘it’s tough at the top’ frequently appears redundant, replaced by the more modern concepts of robustness, emotional intelligence, or even bold-faced machismo to offset the truth of the pressures that exist. It’s almost as though we’ve mixed concepts of good mental health and self-care with the inevitable need to continue to
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How to set up partnerships that will grow your business

Partnerships are very common feature in the business world and they go along way in fostering a sense of business credibility. Part of your business strategy should be to associate with like-minded professionals who bring unique qualities to further the aims and the scope of your business. In this piece, we look at how to
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Tech giants are hungry for SME talent – is your workforce prepared?

Global tech enterprises are in the midst of one of the most significant periods of merger and acquisition (M&A) activity the industry has ever seen, hitting record levels in 2016. Last year, we saw the largest tech merger of all time – as Dell acquired EMC for $60 billion – but we also saw 3,795
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How to get better at risk-taking as a small business

If you want to get anywhere in business, at some point you’ll have to take a risk. Or more likely, risks; risk-taking will become a part of what you do. Growing a small business will, at some point along the way, inevitably involve some degree of risk-taking. It could be relatively modest (taking on your
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Why there is fortune in business failure

Small business failure is a very difficult concept to come to terms with, if we fail then what good can we possibly have done? This is a common misconception around failure and easy to succumb to. It is easy to be shortsighted when facing failure, and only then have you truly failed. There is a
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