Tag Archive for Business Management

The UK is sitting on a workforce time bomb…here is how to diffuse it

Love it, like it or lump it, the freelance revolution is coming. There are already nearly 5m freelancers in the UK and in just three years’ time, as much as half of the working population will be freelance. In the long-term it’s not hard to imagine a time when permanent roles will have ceased to
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What are the best negotiation techniques?

The ability to negotiate a good deal, whether it is your salary or the value of your IPO, is essential for any businessperson looking to succeed. The thrill of making your move, anticipating your counterpart’s next move, all the while keeping your end goal in sight and your strategy intact, is what successful entrepreneurs experience
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Are job descriptions the be all and end all when delegating?

It happens all the time in growing businesses, doesn’t it? There are those tasks that either already exists, suddenly crop up, or begin to emerge – the tasks that simply don’t fit naturally into anyone’s role or descriptions. So what do we do as managers or business owners? And how should employees respond if they
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Should you take annual leave this summer?

Working long hours can easily become a habit, but all work and no play can quickly spiral into burnout. Your capacity for innovative thinking and effective problem solving can also take a dive as a result. Studies have shown that people are more productive and happier when they take their annual leave. According to a
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How businesses can introduce and maintain a security culture

Almost a third of the UK public are not aware of the safety and security policies implemented by the company they work for, according to a recent survey conducted by security systems specialists Expert Security UK. Following recent news of the global Petya ransomware attacks from Ukraine and NHS ‘WannaCry’ cyber-attacks, it should come as
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Hidden business costs to be aware of when starting a venture

Underestimating the costs that you’ll absorb as a new business could lead to premature business failure. It’s important to plan for and understand exactly what it will take to be successful. Fortunately, being aware of these three hidden business costs should help you get your venture started on the right step: Keep your gas and
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Optimism in the face of uncertainty for SME retailers

Two-thirds of Britain’s small and medium scale retailers are optimistic about their business prospects through to Spring 2018, according to new research from Shutl and Censuswide. Even though 73 per cent of businesses surveyed admit that larger online retailers pose a growing threat, their confidence stems from technological innovation and smarter selling options that have
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Top tips for writing the perfect business plan

If the first question that springs to mind is ‘do I need a business plan?’ the answer is a very simple ‘yes.’ Whether established business or concept-stage start-up, the business plan is a nuts and bolts action plan, an essential tool for both marking out the future and reviewing the course along the way. What
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Five tips on finding the perfect business niche

For entrepreneurs and small business owners exploring the possibility of selling in the future, determining a business niche has never been so important. Without a business niche, even the very best products or services can fall on deaf ears, and defining your business before a sale can translate into increased worth and a smoother, more
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Be ready to challenge your telecoms supplier and protect your business

It is not unusual to be told ‘sorry you are still in contract’ when raising a query with your business telecoms supplier. Are you really? Maybe, but may be not! If you are not sure whether you are in contract, or you’d like to protect yourself before committing to any new or additional deal, here
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