Tag Archive for Business Management

Is there such a thing as full transparency and should we ever want it?

Transparency has been one of the most popular corporate buzzwords of 2017. The idea comes up time and time again in annual reports and interviews with CEOs and regulators all over the world – so much so that the concept is widely accepted as an integral part of good business practice today. Just about everyone
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How to be a sustainopreneur in five steps

Early in 2015, I made the decision to become a sustainopreneur and founded a business – EnviroBuild – with the aim of solving problems related to social and environmental sustainability. Sustainopreneurship is just that, the organising of a business to solve problems related to sustainability – both social and environmental – in addition to making
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What happens if your business partner is no longer pulling their weight?

Starting a business is an exciting endeavour and there are many things to consider and action. Some of these you will enjoy, others you will probably want to put off. One of the things you may not have considered is what happens if you fall out with your business partner. It is perhaps unthinkable during
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Breaking the family circle – taking a fresh look at succession planning

For generations family businesses have been the backbone of the economy, supporting job creation, innovation and enterprise across the UK. However, when the time comes for the current leadership team to hand on the baton to the next, the decision of whether to pass down responsibility to a family member or to appoint outside expertise
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Why understanding your back office support needs is vital for a thriving business

The value of a good back office team cannot be overstated. As companies grow, business processes have to evolve too. Back office support functions might be less appealing – perhaps even less glamorous – than product development or client networking, but as a small business it is incredibly important to understand what back office support
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Cornerstones of effective organisational change management

‘Change is hard because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate the value of what they may gain by giving that up.’ James Belasco and Ralph Stayer If you’ve ever struggled to change or get someone else to, even when it’s for the better, then this quote from the book the Flight
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Top ten legal ways to earn extra money

We are living in the age of consumerism. With the rise of economy production comes the increase in spending larger amounts of money. This causality between these two notions is forcing an increasing a number of people from all around the globe to explore new ways of enlarging their income, usually through all kinds of
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Performing a competitor analysis – how and why

Becoming complacent in your business is very easy. It’s easy to get swallowed up in the here and now. It’s easy to lose sight of what’s going on around you…and it’s very easy to do things the same way, because that’s the way you’ve always done them, and historically it’s always worked for you. If
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Why it pays to be prepared when disaster strikes

The majority of small firms across the UK are putting technology at the heart of their business. Seventy-one per cent of UK small business owners now rely on mobile or web-based applications to run their operations. But what happens when the technology fails? Technology, including smart cards, advanced computer software and encrypted PIN numbers are
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Four ingredients every SME needs to survive in a competitive market

Too often, you hear of individuals starting a business because they heard someone else had started one in a niche market and managed to succeed. While it’s a good thing to be inspired by others, it is ill-advised to attempt to accomplish what someone else has done without understanding how they went about achieving it.
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