Tag Archive for Alliance

Conligus Announces Strategic Alliance With OneCoin

According to a message from Aron Steinkeller to the Conligus members, Hybrid auction Conligus announced a strategic alliance with digital currency OneCoin, which is co-founded by Dr. Ruja Ignatova.
Aron Steinkeller:
“The Conligus hybrid auctions continues, applications as new products already in the making. Those are great products but still make us not unique, thats the reason why Conligus is now proud to announce one of the biggest strategic alliances in the history of our industry! Conligus joins forces with the successful digital currency, OneCoin.
Conligus and OneCoin have found a strategic fit for expanding the business.This means, you are a part of it and are positioned in one of the most powerful positions in the industry. Hybridauctions, ‘Applications’ in the making and Cryptocurrency as the future solution in any case.
What is OneCoin? 
A new innovation