Tag Archive for Affiliate Marketing

Five mistakes affiliate marketers make with their new business

Affiliate marketing is the perfect way to start an online business from home. Compared to other online businesses, it doesn’t take long to learn the basics and get started, it requires a tiny investment, and you can get started straight away. Offline businesses can’t compare as there’s usually a substantial investment needed, while your online
The post Five mistakes affiliate marketers make with their new business appeared first on Small Business.


How This Blogger Built a Six-Figure Blog

I met Addi online a couple of years ago, as we were both enrolled in the same blogging course. Since that time, she has grown her Pinterest following to over 124,000+ followers and built a blog that generates six-figures! Read on to see how she was able to do it. Tell us a little bit […]

The post How This Blogger Built a Six-Figure Blog appeared first on The Work at Home Woman.


Affiliate marketing: Eight top tips for partnering with publishers

Affiliate marketing has long been considered a key part of any e-commerce campaign and one of the most important online marketing channels for any advertiser. As an affiliate marketing network, our job is to enable publishers to connect with brands in a simple and successful way, while also providing the technology and tracking capabilities to
The post Affiliate marketing: Eight top tips for partnering with publishers by Ben Lobel appeared first on Small Business.


MLM, Direct-Selling, and Affiliate Marketing – What’s The Difference?

In a recent article where Melaleuca was mentioned to deny being MLM, a debate began between individuals on what defines MLM. 
MLM simply means Multi-Level Marketing. If you are able to build a team of independent sales people that you earn an income from, this is multi level marketing, even if it’s one line of IBO’s. (Independent Business Owners) What makes MLM different from traditional sales are a few things. The distributors are all on a 1099 and not a W-2. They are independent, making their own hours, working at their own leisures.
A salesperson at a car dealership, for example, is hired by the car dealership and has to report in, still clocking in, still showing up for work and is expected to be there. If a salesperson doesn’t meet the expectations, they are fired. In MLM, there’s usually a low start up cost. In traditional sales, there is no start up cost and there may also be a minimum salary offered plus commissions. 
Some of the largest MLM companies are Herbalife, Amway, and Mary Kay. 
An IBO can’t be fired. They can be terminated by the company for violation of a contract. Most network marketing (or MLM) companies fall comfortable in