Tag Archive for Aderly Dupont

Aderly Dupont Achieves Black Diamond Rank At MaVie Global

MaVie Global, one of the companies with the biggest momentum in network marketing right now, has not only successfully partnered with rising companies in the Web3 space (Ultron, FlipMe, Lottoday, FinUp), but more impressively attracted top talent from the industry.
One of them is MaVie’s new Black Diamond, Aderly Dupont. A Top 150 industry earner that has managed to generate over $60,000,000 in lifetime sales and built a team of over 100,000 people across 3 continents and 15 countries.
The start of Aderly’s career:
With Canadian and Peruvian heritage, Aderly quickly learned Spanish, French, and English. Raised in Peru until 18, he then journeyed to Canada for better opportunities. But even at a young age, he knew he had something special inside of him:

“Something that has always characterized me since I was a child is having determination and a burning desire. I always knew what I wanted to achieve, so from a very young age I did business with everything I could.”

At 21, he launched his first business, and at the age of 25, he was introduced to network marketing.

“At 25 a friend introduced me to the network marketing industry on a napkin. A lot of people would not take someone who talks