Author Archive for Successful IBO

Let’s Celebrate: July 2014 Marks A Banner Month For Trévo Life And Health Coaches

As Trévo continues its global expansion more and more people are enjoying the fruits of its recognition program. Case in point, during just the month of July, six people qualified to receive brand new cars, free courtesy of the Trévo Car Bonus Program and hundreds of people received thousands of dollars in pool bonuses through Trévo’s Pool Bonus Program.
In all, during July, 210 people advanced in the Leader level of Trévo’s recognition program; 94 attained the Director level; and 15 moved up to the elite level of Executive.
The Trévo recognition program, which is directly tied to its remarkable compensation program, is a driving factor in the company’s skyrocketing growth and success around the globe. “Recognizing the achievements of our Life and Health Coaches is something that we love to do,” CEO Mark Stevens said. “Each achievement is an important milestone in their journey toward the greatness for which they were created and we celebrate that.”
Stevens goes on to say, “It is truly a joy to be a part of empowering the lives of Trévo’s global family. For each person whose life Trévo changes there is an opportunity to create a legacy of prosperity, purpose and wellness within their family, their


Chandra Putra Negara – Kangzen Hits $20+ Million In Career Earnings

Chandra Putra Negara is a MLM legend in Asia, he has an organisation of 400,000 people in Indonesia, is 37 years young and is born in Indonesia. He started his career in Januari 1999.
As of August 2014 he has hit the USA $20+ million mark in career earnings and he has the Top Rank of Chairman Platinum Millionaire in the Kangzen compensation plan.
His organisation has 5,000 managers with an average annual Income of $2,500 – $5,000 per year.
100 Directors with an average Income of $30,000 – $80,000 and 30 Crown Star Directors with an average annual income of  $150,000 – $200.000.
Kangzen is a Thailand based MLM company and operates in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Indonesia.
In the year 1993, Kangzen-Kenko International Company Limited has been founded by Komsaktana Ampanyuth as a complete Thai nationality direct selling company utilizes Multi-Level Marketing or Network Marketing business model in its operating, administering and management.
Kangzen is a member of the Thai Direct Selling Associations (TDSA) and a member of World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA).
Chandra Putra Negara Team Leaders


The Gadgets Your Small Business Needs (and the Ones it Doesn't)

It was another great week on the 3TechGuys -show! The guys – Ramon Ray, Gene Marks and Brent Leary – discussed this week’s top news, which included an announcement from Google on website security and rankings, Facebook’s new messenger app that is raising questions about privacy and then, just for fun, a review of tech gadgets that you might want to stay away from. It was an informative week, and you won’t want to miss a moment, so check out the video below to watch the full show.