Some may think that email marketing is dead, but experts say that couldn’t be further from the truth. Here’s what the future holds for email marketers.
Author Archive for Successful IBO
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5 Tools That Will Change Email Marketing
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
Email marketing changes just as fast as technology does. Here are five types of email marketing tech evolutions to look forward to.
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10 Gift Exchange Ideas for Your Office Holiday Party
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
From a traditional Secret Santa to a white elephant gift exchange, here are ideas for fun and appropriate gift exchange themes for your office party.
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Small businesses cite skills shortage as reason for bad hires
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
A skills shortage is having a negative impact on small business recruitment, with more than half of small businesses claiming that a lack of applications is resulting in bad hires, research finds.
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Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit Stars Join Synergy WorldWide
by Tina Williams • • 0 Comments
Most fitness trainers have a passion for nutrition. Drew Manning and his wife Lynn are no exception. But while most trainers work hard to maintain sculpted figures and top levels of fitness, Drew has become famous for taking a different approach.
In fact, for six long months, Drew let himself become overweight and unhealthy, and the world took notice.
You may have heard of Drew’s bizarre experiment. He went from fit to fat simply by eating what has been called the “Standard American Diet.” Then, without the help of any extreme or faddish diets, he lost the weight and regained an enviable figure.
All of this was well documented, first on Drew’s website and YouTube videos, then later on major media broadcasts including Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, and the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
Today, Drew is the author of the New York Times’ Best Selling book “Fit 2 Fat 2 Fit” and has over 260,000 social media followers across the web. His wife, Lynn, who played a tremendous role in Drew’s journey, has gained tens-of-thousands of her own followers and shares her valuable perspective and advice with people daily. A worldwide female audience has especially fallen in love with Lynn’s side of the fit-2-fat story, an audience she is honored to
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Small Business Saturday Connects Etsy Sellers with Local Shops
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
Small Business Saturday has become part of the Thanksgiving holiday shopping weekend, as a way to help local shops compete against the big-name Black Friday and Cyber Monday giants.
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Customer Service Done Right: 5 Best Practices
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
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Clinics recommend hospitals for Ebola testing
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
When a Dallas County sheriff’s deputy who had entered the apartment of the first patient to die from Ebola in the U.S. started feeling ill himself, he didn’t rush to the nearest hospital.
Hot Business News Today
Employer Responsibility for Identity Theft and Taxes
by Successful IBO • • 0 Comments
A ruling recently released by the US Department of the Treasury now allows for identity protection measures called ‘Truncated Taxpayer Identification Numbers,’ also known as ‘SSN Masking,’ to be applied to all recipient tax return copies, including 1099-MISC and W-2 forms.
Hot Business News Today
WOR(l)D Presents The Brand Space Along With Three New Great Products
by Tina Williams • • 0 Comments
The CEO of WOR(l)D, Fabio Galdi, debuted the trademark Space, tiny preview of a new futuristic product of WOR(l)D Global Network that will revolutionize the world of computers and smartphones.
They presented the new and unique suite, SpaceWork, a personal online office. A suite which consists of three products: SpaceOffice, Space Desk and Space Auditorium. With SpaceOffice associates will be able to organize online video-calling with up to 32 video- guests. SpaceOffice will be available in three versions: computer, tablet and smartphone
SpaceDesk contains: a personal mail box, calendar, storage and videopostcard
SpaceAuditorium is the system by which you can organize conferences for up to 1000 guests sharing files of various kinds. Even SpaceAuditorium is available in three versions: computers, tablets and smartphones.
Through SpaceWork WOR(l)D company confirms the high quality standard to which he has been accustomed to in recent years.
Improving people’s lives, offering an unequalled business opportunity and revolutionary products: these are the pivotal mission points of WOR(l)D and of his CEO Fabio Galdi. WOR(l)D in a few years established itself as one of the leaders of the networked economy.
Featuring the latest generation of pioneering wearable technology, Space computer and Space glasses will allow users to comfortably wear binocular smart glasses which are connected to a small 8×4