Seven Point 2′s, Black Diamonds, Oscar & Carrie Jo Alcoser Earn Over $20k In June


Momentum was the name of the game for North American Black Diamonds Oscar & Carrie Jo Alcoser in June, as they earned over $20,000.  After participating in the Platinum and Above Advanced Training with SVP Philip Townsend with their team leaders in Denver CO, the Alcoser’s noted that their entire team is “now enrolled in the vision, and empowered to participate in the success of the entire Company!”.
What were the keys to Black Diamond Oscar & Carrie Jo Alcoser’s banner month? “Having so many events to promote for, and new people to invite has been a major key.” Their team, which they affectionately call “The Legacy Team”, is maturing with levels of leaders who are beginning to learn how to leverage their time and build their SevenPoint2®  businesses through the Power of Promoting ALL SevenPoint2®events including the Leadership & Training Calls,  Wellness Calls, Webinars,  and Local Leadership Events.

“The active members that are going to 7.2 University’s Trainings and who are inviting others to get on the calls & webinars are having the BEST RESULTS in earning Fast Track Cash, building their teams and rank advancing!  Because of this, we are seeing more long distant recruiting and enrollment with people excited to open


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