Indonesian Leader, Edwina Purbassari Tandjung Rockets To The Top Ranks at QuiAri

As a thyroid cancer survivor, Edwina Purbassari Tandjung from Jakarta, Indonesia, has learned to prioritize two things in life – her time and her health. She worked for many years at a multinational real estate company, then as an interior design consultant, and later as an entrepreneur in several different industries.
Work consumed Edwina’s life until she received devastating news from her doctor – a cancer diagnosis. Fortunately, through modern medicine and living a healthy lifestyle, she has been in remission since 2020.
Although Edwina is doing much better now, the experience left a lasting impact on her emotional health and changed the course of her life. After beating cancer, she began to explore other opportunities that would provide her with more time freedom and get her closer to living her dream lifestyle. That’s when Edwina discovered Network Marketing and QuiAri.
“I am fortunate to be a thyroid cancer survivor and to have discovered the Network Marketing Industry and QuiAri at the perfect time. It was around the start of the pandemic when most businesses were struggling.
I was tired from the chemotherapy treatments, and I just didn’t have the time or the energy to return to my job in the


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