When Stephane Page first entered the network marketing industry at 19 years old, he truly believed he would be rich within 3-5 years. Almost every day, he would read his goals and envision creating a bigger future. He’d repeat out loud to himself:
“One day, I’ll be free. All this hard work is going to pay off… you’ll see…”
But fast forward more than a decade of trying to succeed in network marketing, and instead of finding freedom, he was left feeling insecure and disheartened.
Over 15 long years, Stephane Page joined five different companies and failed at every single one. He poured over $40,000—mostly on credit cards—into starter packs, products, personal development books, live events, online courses, and coaching sessions, all in the hope that one day, he would finally break through.
But that “one day” started to feel impossible. During those years, he remembers speaking to thousands of people—on the phone and in person—desperately trying to bring them onto his team. Yet the rejection was relentless:
“Sorry, I’m busy and don’t have time for something like this…” or
“No thanks, my uncle tried stuff like this, and it didn’t work…”
Stephane wanted success so badly, but it seemed like no one else wanted to work