Monthly Archives: November 2023

Top Leaders Boris Lupsina & Marina Mursic Join JIFU

Double Black Diamonds Boris Lupsina and Marina Mursic make the switch to JIFU.
The network marketing industry is evolving, and JIFU is the only company offering both physical and digital products.
Boris Lupsina and Marina Mursic are a couple who not only share their love for business but also their roles as parents to two young girls. They began their professional journeys in traditional corporate positions, all the while keeping an eye out for an opportunity to work together.
They found their perfect match when they discovered Network Marketing in 2015. Determined to secure a prosperous future for their family, they put in hard work and dedication, achieving significant milestones within five years, such as attaining Diamond and Double Black Diamond status. During this time, they built a global team spanning more than thirty countries across four continents.
Reflecting on their journey, Boris and Marina expressed,

“We worked together as a couple for over eight years in our initial venture, and we know that success comes with dedication and hard work. The more you put in, the more you get out. Our experiences with this company have been invaluable, and we’ll forever be grateful for them.”

As they moved forward, they realized that the global economy