Monthly Archives: August 2023

John Haremza Achieves 250K Rank at MyDailyChoice

MyDailyChoice is proud to announce that John Haremza has earned the rank of 250K and congratulates him for reaching this prestigious achievement in record time!
Residing in Las Vegas, Nevada, John Harmeza joined MyDailyChoice in January 2023 and through hard work and dedication, John has grown his team and customer base to be a profitable direct-selling business. 
The product that John and his team sell the most is BodyMelt and Daily Sprays.
As one of the products on the MyDailyChoice Marketplace, John and his team focus on the overall wellness benefits of the BodyMelt line of products and the convenience, results, and variety of choices of using the DailySprays. 
“The thing that excites me most about MyDailyChoice is the Rock-solid infrastructure, amazing customer service, and next level technology”,
explains John Haremza. When asked what the secret is to his success, he replied,
“Focus, Consistency, Sincerity and Excitement are the major keys to success. You have to truly care about helping your team succeed by making good decisions.” 
MyDailyChoice looks forward to seeing the continued growth and success of John and his team. 
About MyDailyChoice 
MyDailyChoice is a marketplace where you can discover new brands, shop for your favorite products, and empower your entrepreneurial spirit. Founded by