A Founding Member In Network Marketing: Good Or Bad?

Several Network Marketing or MLM Start-ups offer a “Founding Member” package. The definition of a founding member:
A founding member refers to an individual distributor that is instrumental in the establishment or creation of a company. These individuals or are involved in the early stages of a Network marketing company’s formation and play a significant role in its inception and development.
They might have capital, expertise, or other resources to bring the company into existence. Founding members often have a unique status within the company and may have specific rights, responsibilities, or privileges as a result of their foundational role.
Overall, founding members are key stakeholders in the early stages of an entity’s formation, and their contributions can have a lasting impact on its development and success.
Founder package offerings can be a way to fund a start-up, however according to our community that is not the way to go.
Most products based start-ups in the direct sales marketing channel need somewhere between $5-$15 million to finance the first 3 crucial years.
We asked our large community of Network Marketing professionals about their opinion and experiences:
Jenny L. from the USA:
“I was a Founding Member of a company and I am glad I did. I received a


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