Monthly Archives: July 2023

Iconic Mother-Daughter Pippins Duo Achieve Blue Diamond in ibüümerang

Stuck in the draining world of corporate America, Jackie Pippins finally found freedom as a business owner in ibüümerang despite doing “all the things she was supposed to” at her job.
Her initial motivation was to spend more time with her family and empower other women like herself. However, Jackie didn’t realize she already did both by coming home to her daughter Jahla every day.
Despite being only 17, Jahla Pippins realized she was more than a fast-food worker and was inspired to follow in her mother’s footsteps.
Today, the iconic Pippins mother-daughter duo are taking their success to even higher levels by becoming Blue Diamond in ibüümerang.
“I always wanted a business where my family could be a part of it as well,” said Jackie. “Ibüümerang lets me do it all, with my baby girl.” 
Now 23 years old, Jahla Pippins hasn’t looked back since the first day she asked her mother to get started in the business. As a new Blue Diamond, the young entrepreneur’s “Why” focuses on creating a culture of success and growth for women like herself. As a key contributor to their recent season of growth, Jahla credits the guidance of ibüümerang CEO, Holton Buggs, for their continued