Mohammad Adel From Jordan Achieves Double Black Diamond Rank At Success Factory.

Mohammad Adel is a Success Factory affiliate and 2022 COC member from Jordan. He boasts over ten years of experience in network marketing and has recently reached Double Black Diamond while aiming for the Ambassador rank next.
Mohammad joined the world of network marketing after he saw a presentation given by a friend of his,
“As often happens, the beginnings in the industry were not easy.” 
Mohammad had to overcome numerous obstacles that went from his family to the very government. Clear direction and perseverance were keys to Mohammad’s path, and his effort paid off. In 2021, Mohammad reached the Black Diamond rank and received a Mercedes to recognize his efforts; today, he is a Double Black Diamond.
“The Network marketing industry is life-changing. It was a new beginning because I had always thought reaching my goals would take me a lifetime, but I got where I wanted after just 5. I now have time and the freedom to live the lifestyle I want and deserve.
Network marketing has a lot of benefits. It opens your mind and makes you grow, personally and professionally, while improving all the areas of your life, be it financial or relationships.”
In October 2018, Mohammad Adel joined Success Factory. Below,


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