Crowd1 Cements Its Reputation As Leader At The World Blockchain Summit

According to a Crowd1 press release:
Participation at the prestigious event drew crowds
Dubai, universally recognised as the epicentre of crypto and the blockchain, played host to the World Blockchain Summit, the thought leadership-driven series of talks where the global innovators in crypto and the blockchain congregated to share ideas, connect, network, and, frankly, blow minds.
Crowd1, the world’s leading influencer marketing company, was right there in the thick of the action.
As the world’s leading onboarder of Web3 products, it was only natural that Crowd1 would play a central role at the World Blockchain Summit, as sponsors and as speakers.
The highlight of the 3-day event came on 19 October, with Crowd1 founder Jonas Eric Werner taking the stage. Werner, always able to read the room well, chose to focus on what is sometimes overlooked at tech gatherings: people.
“The countries we are represented in, aren’t the ones you may expect, but they are the ones that are hungry for this revolution. This is about the people”
he reminded the gathered audience.
The ultimate onboarding company
Half of the world will now be able to enter the digital world through Web3, and because of this, he predicted that Web3 will hand power back to the people –


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