Monthly Archives: June 2022

ByDzyne Launches ByDzyne Cares, Highly-Anticipated Charitable Initiative

For an organization whose DNA is saturated in innovation, impact, and ingenuity, ByDzyne added arguably its most impactful project at the company’s first-ever convention in Ecuador last week, with the unveiling of ByDzyne Cares, a charitable program with the simple aim to give back and make a difference.
That difference, for ByDzyne’s executive team, is in the simple hope and power of changing a life. 
“When ByDzyne was first launched in 2019, our heartbeat has always been about giving back.
We believe that no individual should be held back by a lack of means and with the launch of ByDzyne Cares, we hope that people all around the world will have a chance to change their story,”
expressed Nattarin and Chanida Puranaputra, ByDzyne’s Chairman and Chairwoman.   
While the program intends to continually collaborate with new initiatives and causes from around the world, ByDzyne Cares has initially partnered with the Reina de Quito foundation in Ecuador, a non-profit organization started by former Queens of Quito (pageant winners) that has served the underprivileged in the Metropolitan District of Quito. 
The foundation currently runs numerous social assistance programs for people with disabilities, children, youth, women, and unprotected older adults, including the management of their Therapeutic Center, a


Network Marketing Professionals Danny & Lori Gasemy Join DreamTrips International

What would most people do if money wasn’t an issue? Travel!
Experiencing incredible places and creating lasting memories runs deeper for people today. No longer is travel simply about checking places off some proverbial bucket list. Maybe it’s revenge travel? Retribution for all those months spent inside. Maybe it’s cathartic?
Regardless, developing people’s passion to see the world and making DreamTrips possible is now the business of network marketing power couple, Danny and Lori Gasemy.
Career sales topping $600 million and with their global teams having created more than 250 six-figure earners, the Gasemys have shared lots of products over the years but nothing compares to sharing DreamTrips International.
“People forget about products, but they will never forget an amazing trip. Those memories will last forever.
You can remember where you were, what you were wearing, the people you were with and how it felt to be there in that moment. That’s the product we have here at DreamTrips,”
Danny and Lori say.
And key to creating long-lasting customers is sharing DreamTrips in a way that urges travel from the point of enrollment. Ten, 20 or 30 years from now the Gasemys will fondly recall their Discover DreamTrip to the stunning beaches of Punta Cana.


ByDzyne lanza ByDzyne Cares, una iniciativa benéfica muy esperada

Para una organización cuyo ADN está saturado de innovación, impacto e ingenio, ByDzyne añadió posiblemente su proyecto más impactante en la primera convención de la compañía en Ecuador la semana pasada, con la presentación de ByDzyne Cares, un programa benéfico con el simple objetivo de devolver y marcar la diferencia.
Esa diferencia, para el equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne, está en la simple esperanza y el poder de cambiar una vida.
“Cuando ByDzyne se lanzó por primera vez en 2019, nuestro latido siempre ha sido el de devolver.
Creemos que ningún individuo debería verse frenado por la falta de medios y, con el lanzamiento de ByDzyne Cares, esperamos que personas de todo el mundo tengan la oportunidad de cambiar su historia”,
expresaron Nattarin y Chanida Puranaputra, presidente y presidenta de ByDzyne.
Aunque el programa tiene la intención de colaborar continuamente con nuevas iniciativas y causas de todo el mundo, ByDzyne Cares se ha asociado inicialmente con la fundación Reina de Quito en Ecuador, una organización sin ánimo de lucro creada por antiguas Reinas de Quito (ganadoras de concursos) que ha prestado servicios a los más desfavorecidos en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
En la actualidad, la fundación lleva a cabo numerosos programas de asistencia social


6,000 Distributors Attended The LifeVantage Convention 2022

LifeVantage Corporation (Nasdaq: LFVN), a pioneer in nutrigenomics, hosted Activate 2022 throughout the Salt Lake City area last weekend.
The event was one of the company’s largest in-person Distributor gathering since the beginning of the global pandemic, with over 6,000 U.S. distributors in attendance in person and remotely.
The event featured new company positioning, a unique product launch, aligned sales incentives, updated social selling tools, new Distributor trainings, and a wrap up celebration held at Saturday’s Real Salt Lake game where LifeVantage serves as title sponsor.
Steve Fife, President and CEO Said:
“Activate 2022 was the launching point for our next fiscal year and our strategic initiatives to drive growth for LifeVantage in the months and years to come.
We purposefully brought our U.S. Distributors together to cast the vision for where we want to be as a company and how we inspire the remarkable throughout the world by activating wellness.”
As part of Activate 2022, LifeVantage unveiled TrueScience® Liquid Collagen, which features the rare Ruby Red Quinoa Extract (Chenopodium formosanum) and is uniquely differentiated by its three-way approach to skin and collagen health.
The proprietary ingredients activate your body’s collagen production, replenish your depleting collagen levels, and maintain those levels by reducing collagen breakdown in