Monthly Archives: June 2021

Where to find green small business grants

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Many entrepreneurs are looking to eco small business grants to help them fund environmental projects, adopt green technologies and become more sustainable.
Funding comes under the following categories and are often distributed by local authorities:

Renewable energy business grants
Sustainability grants
Energy efficiency grants
Sustainable innovation
Green jobs

The green business grants below have been divided according to where they are in the UK and contain a link to the application page which will give you more information.
Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG)
Receive a maximum of £30,000 per project for creating multi-purpose woodland.
Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme
The purpose of these eco business grants is to invest in equipment that cuts down on carbon emissions within your business. Warwickshire District Council will fund up to 40 per cent, providing eco business grants between £1,000 and £50,000. The grants are for installing energy efficient equipment like LED controls and renewable technologies.
Low Carbon Revenue Grants, Warwickshire
These eco business grants aim to commercialise low carbon products either new to the company or to the general market. Once again, it’s 40 per cent cover but with a maximum £6,000 funding. It covers things like market research, software and manufacturing consultancy as well as intellectual property