6 tips to help you create content that will impress humans and Google

Originally written by Anna Jordan on Small Business
Quality content is central to a successful marketing strategy.
But what is ‘quality content’? Unfortunately, much of the answer lies in personal taste. The upside is that there are things you can do to impress both human and robot.
So, it isn’t merely a case of just writing something and shoving it out. The content creation requires some finesse.
We’ll share some tips to help you write posts that will rank high on Google and be a valuable resource for your readers.
Content for humans or for Google: which is more important?
SEO specialists will tell you to write for the human first. Though search engines scan your content for essential assets, it’ll be people that are relying on it for information that’s both informative and entertaining.
Google’s main priority is ensuring your content meets the searcher’s purpose. This flows on to the second tier of expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness.
‘Google’s main priority is ensuring your content meets the searcher’s purpose’
One thing you must do is include information about who is responsible for the content with a byline or a link to the creator’s bio or website. Articles with generic ‘staff’ or ‘team’ credits will be down-ranked by Google.
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