Monthly Archives: October 2018

Beth Robinson Achieves Blue Diamond Rank With Valentus

Beth Robinson from Staffordshire, United Kingdom  is a Blue Diamond with Valentus.
She stated:
I am rocking and rolling and I just love the opportunity. If it wasn’t for the industry I’m not sure I would be here. It gave me focus and purpose and I’m forever grateful. 
I started network marketing very briefly when I was 19 years. I had lost my mum at the age of 16 and I was in a pretty awful situation mentally. I was offered something at the time that was completely alien to me.  Little did I know that this was the first step of the rest of my life.
I was a hairdresser when left school. Now I’m a 27 year old, six figure earner, with three daughters, Evie 7, Felicity 4, and Willow 16 weeks.
I joined Valentus 2 years ago and it was my third product based company. I had started to lose hope in the industry as I had been let down by previous companies that had promised the world and never delivered. I made many mistakes and learned many, many lessons all of which have made me a stronger individual and networker.
It was when I joined Valentus that I found my spark again. I was introduced to


Los Latinoamericanos Aprenden El Seacret Para Alcanzar El Sueño Americano

English Translation
Al crecer en una humilde granja en Honduras, José Ardón fue testigo de muchas cosas cuando era niño. Vio como sus padres trabajaban interminables horas para ganar apenas el dinero suficiente para poner comida en la mesa. Fue testigo de la desigualdad y la pobreza extrema en su tierra natal. Escuchó innumerables historias de cuánto mejor sería la vida si vivieran en Estados Unidos.
América, la tierra de las oportunidades, hogar del gran sueño americano.  Noche tras noche,  las historias de prosperidad estaban presentes en su mente.  Era difícil para un niño tan pequeño imaginarse que un lugar tan diferente del suyo podía existir, pero si existía, se prometería  así mismo que algún día llegaría ahí.  Entonces, en lugar de detenerse por lo que no tenía, José lo utilizó para alimentar su determinación por una vida mejor: perseguir el sueño americano.
A partir de los 11 años, José trabajó para lograr una vida donde los límites no estén determinados por las circunstancias en que nacemos, sino por nuestra pasión, habilidades y aspiraciones personales.  Sabía que para cambiar su vida y, lo que es más importante aún, la vida de su familia, necesitaba hacer su sueño realidad de llegar a los Estados


Invisible illnesses: how you can help your employees

Workplaces are taking greater steps to support employees with conditions relating to physical and mental health. However, many employees with invisible illnesses like diabetes still face problems at work. Sophie Ainsworth is the founder of Raising Awareness of Invisible Illnesses in Schools and Education (RAiISE). Here, she shares what employers can do to help staff
The post Invisible illnesses: how you can help your employees appeared first on Small Business.