Monthly Archives: February 2018

Latin America Network Marketing Leaders Geraldine De Pablo & Paul Rammeloo Join Zija International

After over a decade of experience in the network marketing business, Geraldine de Pablo and Paul Rammeloo have become multi-million-dollar earners and have created organizations of over 150,000 people in 70 countries.
Not only has Geraldine been named the top female earner in Latin America, she was named a 2017 Network Marketing Ambassador alongside some of the greatest leaders in the industry.
Geraldine and Paul have shared the stage with some of the top earners in the world and are excited to continue to grow an extensive Latin America business with Zija International.
Zija has recently experienced explosive growth in the Latin America market—holding recent ribbon cutting ceremonies in both Ecuador and Mexico, and preparing for a pre-launch in Colombia. As one of their fastest growing markets, Zija’s Latin America market will continue on an accelerated growth path with Geraldine and Paul now a part of the company’s Distributorship. The pair share of their excitement, in their own words, below:
“Last year we realized that our time with our last company was coming to an end, so we began the search for a new home. 
We knew that we were facing a very important decision for us, for our family, and for all the people