Monthly Archives: December 2017

How To Jump-Start Your Work From Home Job Search In 3 Simple Steps

By Ashlee Anderson The average commute in the U.S. is now more than 26 minutes each way. That’s nearly 5 hours spent in the car each workweek. Between the high costs of gas and desire for more flexible scheduling, it’s no wonder more and more workers are looking to escape their cubicles in favor of […]

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Don’t let Christmas cheer turn into a cash flow nightmare

While Christmas is a peak operations time for many sectors, it can be a challenge for small businesses, which do not have the resources to cope with a festive flurry or a seasonal downturn in business. Here Rob Mercer, senior regional director, Ashley Finance, share his top tips for successfully making it through the Christmas
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What will your CV look like in 2030?

Nano-degrees, bio-chipsets and automation certifications – these are just three of the line items that will be commonplace on CVs in 2030, according to predictions released today by global recruitment firm PageGroup. Working with trends forecasters Foresight Factory, PageGroup recently undertook research to examine the emerging trends and technologies that will shape tomorrow’s workplace, and
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Currency risk biggest headache for small importers and exporters

More than two-thirds of UK SMEs trading in foreign currencies say that they have been financially disadvantaged due to currency volatility sparked by the EU referendum, according to a new study by leading SME partner, Bibby Financial Services (BFS). Findings of the ‘SMEs and International Trade’ report reveal that 67 per cent of businesses with
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Liaqat Ali Khan Magray – A LEO Tour de Force From Pakistan

Having just celebrated his fifth anniversary of joining Learning Enterprises Organisation Ltd (LEO), a global entrepreneurship training company, Liaqat Ali Khan Magray is still going strong.
Now a pillar of the LEO community, his commitment and hard work is legendary, leading him to achieve the impressive heights of Regional Marketing Director rank. While some might freewheel on a reputation like this, Liaqat has no intention of taking a back seat, but continues to be an inspirational LEO tour de force.
Located in Pakistan, Liaqat left behind his job as a bank officer in 2012 to join LEO, and the rest, as they say, is history. For Liaqat has truly found his vocation, excelling at all he does with LEO and leading his global team to serious success. So, to find out more about this direct selling star, Ted Nuyten asked him some searching questions:
You have achieved so much in the five years since joining LEO – what would you say is the secret to this sky-high success?
Good question! I have worked very hard in my LEO business, to make it a success story for everyone who has come with me on this journey, and LEO has delivered what it said it would