Monthly Archives: December 2017

How to tackle the SMEs slow payment problem

Slow payments are a major problem in business generally but they disproportionately affect SMEs, who often lack the financial resources to cover the period spent waiting for invoices to be paid. This results in a range of serious issues; from late payment of staff to having to rely on overdrafts, and, in some cases, even
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Eight steps to overcome your fear of employee grievances

Disgruntled, frustrated and even furious are feelings most employees will experience at some point in their careers. Yet, when they bring such feeling to the attention of their superiors, many managers panic for fear of falling foul of employment law or other repercussions. Often, all the employee wants is to be listened to or given
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Five key steps to meet the workplace wellbeing challenge

Keeping staff happy and healthy at work is one of the modern working world’s greatest challenges. With the latest ONS report citing 137 million working days lost every year due to ill health, many business owners are making health and happiness at work a primary goal. For a long time the main focus has been
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