Monthly Archives: December 2017

Cooking Up Something New: Ecuadorian Chefs Earn $15,000 USD Per Month With Total Life Changes

Becoming a professional chef takes passion, discipline, hard work and good taste. It’s a calling as much as a career, but sometimes life gets in the way of pursuing your dreams. That was the situation for Fermín and Belen de Vera of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Unemployed due to the economic problems their country faced, the couple turned to Total Life Changes as a means of supplementing their modest income.
Though TLC was never intended to be their primary occupation, after the devastation wrought by the 2016 earthquake, Fermín and Belen doubled down on their commitment. Recently promoted to the rank of National Director, TLC has given the couple new dreams.
Fermín and Belen were amateurs in the network marketing industry. They had tried their hand with other companies in the past without earning a penny, but TLC seemed different. They followed TLC Global Director Ana Cantera on social media. Intrigued by TLC’s products, and the opportunities Ana wrote about, the de Veras reached out online and Cantera became their sponsor.
Sponsors play an important role in helping new Independent Business Owners (IBOs) establish themselves—for the de Veras, this relationship was complicated because Cantera wasn’t even in the same country. Little by little though, these


More than four in ten shoppers still faced with SME card surcharges

A month away from the UK ban on card payment surcharges (January 13, 2018), many small businesses and retailers are yet to drop a card processing surcharge, according to new research from card machine provider Paymentsense. Although the ban was widely announced over the summer, the study of over 1,000 consumers reveals that, nationally, 42
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